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I unlike Editing Cullen do no just hear a barrage of thoughts from anyone within my hearing range. I choose to go see what they're thinking, or hear, whatever. However when there's louder thoughts I can hear them no problem. Like my dad right now.

"I'm not back together with him." I tell him while he eats his lunch.

"I didn't say you were." He mumbles and his mustache twitches.

"You're thinking it." I say. "And you're wrong." I say while I toss a green apple in between my hands, I miss being able to eat them.

"Mmm." Is all I get back. "So do I uh need to have the talk with you too?"

"Vampires can't have kids." I tell him and he sighs. "Plus I did have a really hot girlfriend for a while."

"I don't want to know." He says cringing.

"Hey dad, why didn't you ever get remarried after Renee? Or ever like date?"

"Because it's just a lot of you know?"

"Trouble? Drama?" I suggest. "Death?"

"I don't know about that least one."

"Well Addison killed herself and I'm now a undead being so I'm 2 for 2 here."

"Celeste." He mumbles. "Do you ever think about like therapy?"

"I'd lose my sparkle." Not that I could so long as the sun shines. Get it? "Besides other than my drug usage I dealt with it pretty well don't you think?"

"I guess." He mumbles. "You ever think of getting married?"

"I used to." I tell him putting the apple down and leaning on my fist. "When I was with Addison, I had all these plans."

"And Emmett?"

"Renee ruined it for me by then." I say rolling my eyes. "She ruined a lot for me."

"Like what?"

"Marriage, having kids, being in love, holidays, the whole white picket fence dream." I tell him. "I used to want that before she came and wrecked all the ideas of it, and now they just don't seem appealing anymore."

"Do you ever think you do want it but you're issues with your mom stain it?"

"I used to think that was it, but honestly I really can see myself living that life." I say shrugging before leaning back in my seat. "Aside from the no more junk food in pretty content in life."

"Of course all you think about is food."


"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edwin says as we approach the coven for newborn slaughter training.

"They came that's all that matters." Carlisle says smiling. "Jaspers here is more knowledgeable in this field so he'll be helping today."

"All hail major Hale." Alex whispers and I snort.

"No need to whisper, we can all hear you regardless." I tell her.

"Stupid supernaturals."

-Jaspers monologue-

"Any questions?" Jasper asks and I raise my hand. "Celeste?"

"Does a persons blood type make them taste different?"

"Yes." Calvin and Jasper answer.

"Cool." I say nodding. "You can go back to whatever you were talking about."

"Right so."

"Actually." I interrupt. "If Aro, Marcus and Caius are that old do you think it's possible they were the three wise men?" This got laughter all around.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now