Oh Ew

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We had decided Bella was too unstable to bring to the Rez, seeing as she spent 3 hours puking that night. With Carlisle's encouragement and Bella's willingness to try anything Sue was coming over today, seeing as the shop was closed today. Paul, Leah, and Seth would be with her. So would Emily and Alex. Conner was officially on Vivian duty since I was on Bella duty and Alex wouldn't hold the baby. I heard Sue's truck pull into the driveway and went to go welcome them in.

"This way." I muttered leading them to where Bella was sitting. Sue passed me and went straight to Bella's side kneeling in front of her.

"How are you little one?" She asked Bella lowly.

"Tired." Bella replied with a small smile. I looked around the room. Andrew was staying at the new house seeing as normal pregnancy freaked him out. Alice, Jasper, and Calvin were off working on a cabin for Bella and Edward. Edward was off hunting, sent away by Bella. And Seth was staring at Bree who was reading a book. I nudged Paul who saw what I saw and grinned.

"Hey Seth take a lap it's to crowed here to do any real healing." He told Seth. "Howl if anything looks weird." Seth nodded and moved to go.

"Hey Bree go with Seth." I suggested. "Take a lap too get some air. Let Sue work her magic." She looked at then to Seth and back, I nodded and she got up to follow him outside.

"You two are too old to be meddling." Emily scolded once they were out of the house.

"Let me enjoy some simple pleasures here huh?" I asked and she just shook her head going to sit with Sue and Bella.

"We're gonna go hunt." Emmett said nodding to Rose. "You'll be alright?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead before fist bumping Paul, Leah, and Alex.

"You guys make me sick." Leah mumbled and Alex slapped her arm. "I'm just saying." She defended herself, while Paul and I just laughed.

"You four out!" Sue said looking at us. I looked at Bella and she nodded so I smiled and we went outside, leaving Bella with Sue, Emily, Carlisle, and Esme.

"You're mom is scary." Paul said once we were outside sitting on the steps and Leah nodded.

"So Seth and Bree?" Alex asked and I nodded. "That's so cute." She squealed.

"I know." I sighed. "But we can't force anything on them."

"But you just sent them off together?"

"Just so they can hopefully be friends at least." I tell her. "Just to see if they could be more if they wanted."


"But they would be cute." Leah says. "And they could braid each others hair." Alex nods. "Plus it's good to focus on them over everything with Bella."

"Can you believe she's actually fucking pregnant?" Alex asks. "I mean I know made jokes
About wrapping it but seriously?"

"That's what I said!"


"The soul is pure." Sue told us as we stood in the kitchen, Edgar was sitting in the other room with Bella. "It means no harm to Bella."

"So the baby's just incompatible with her body?" Carlisle asked her.

"Essentially. The good thing is since it's not trying to actually kill her and won't be a menace to society, all we need to do is figure out how to keep Bella healthy enough to survive."

"And you couldn't figure out how long she'll be pregnant for?"

"Not exactly, but since the soul was readable it seems a little more than the halfway mark, maybe 5ish months."

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