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"How you feeling?" I ask Bella in between her greeting guests.

"My feet hurt." She whines but she's all smiles and so cute. "You did an amazing job on this. Everything is so beautiful."

"Only the best for my little sister." She laughs. "Alright your moms on her way over so I'll leave you to it. Have fun." She shakes her head as I walk away.

"Hey pretty lady." Emmett says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Enjoying yourself?"

"As much as I can without drinking." I tell him. "That speech you have in mind, absolutely not." He turns me to face him. Call me cringe because I like the way he makes me feel all safe in his arms. Ew cringe.

"You don't think it's funny?"

"Just because it's funny doesn't mean it's good." He laughs shaking his head. "Plus you'll drive my dad to drink."

"Charlie is already drinking." He says nodding towards where my dad, Billy, Sue and Harry stand. (Yea Harry lives in my story Idc for canon) "Besides it's like you said it's funny."

"It's also childish." I point out. "Can't you come up with something nicer."

"Oh yea tell me your speech again."

"Speech?" I ask. "I don't need a speech."

"You don't even have a speech." He laughs again and I slap his arm. "You're the maid of honor, and her twin! You need a speech."

"I do not." I whine. "I don't want to be perceived, especially not by all these extras."

"You need a speech. Hey I'll help you write it."

"Oh yea that'll be something." I snort he kisses the side of my face. "I think Bella would be grateful if I didn't speak."

"It's probably your only chance to embarrass her."

"I'm her older sister and I quite literally have eternity." The music changes to Obsesión by Aventura. "Can you dance to this?" He shakes his head. "That's a problem for tomorrow, Andrew." I slip out of his arms and grab Andrew to make him dance with me.

"I hate your mother." He says as we get into the dance. "I'm so sorry you had to live with her."

"Me too." He laughs and spins me. "Don't worry tomorrow she'll be on a flight and out of our lives forever."

"Can't happen soon enough." He mumbles and I laugh, we get into the dance more. This is my favorite song, or favorite dance song maybe. I just love it. "Remember when we had to teach you how to dance to this?"

"Don't it was embarrassing." I say before being spun again. "I remember breaking that ugly vase."

"It was ugly." He says laughing. "Thank you, for not giving up on me."

"Anytime Andy."


I in fact do not have to teach Emmett bachata tomorrow because Andy is trying to teach him right now. Bree bounces over to me while I'm busy laughing and getting pictures of them.

"Teach me?" She asks and I nod grabbing her hands.

"It's a three step like this." I show her and she tries to match. "Okay go slow and then we can try to match the music." We keep going and she slowly starts to get it. "There you go now faster."

"Okay I think I got it." She smiles at me as we match the beat.

"Good, now you gotta spin, it's like this." I spin and then try to spin her. "No no too many steps. Only three."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now