Just Us

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Emmett knew realistically this was just playing right into Alice's plans but he was too curious to just let it go. So he decided to find out more about the girl from the supermarket. He'd sat in the towns diner and waited to see if he'd find anything out, he knew she didn't go to the high school at least. And then like fate was on his side she had walked in. So he sat in the dinner eating food he would have to throw up later just to watch as she talked and laughed with her dad.


Alice had made a fuss of dressing Emmett for some reason that she wouldn't reveal and when he asked Edward he just smirked and shook his head. He realized once he got to school why when Celeste had stepped out of her beauty of a car. He'd recognized her instantly as she passed him with her new friends.

"Stop staring it's creepy." Calvin said slapping his shoulder, Emmett just shook his head and walked into the school building. "Not even a goodbye. He's a goner."


He wondered if she really didn't notice him looking at her throughout all their morning classes, or if she just chose to ignore him. She really hadn't noticed, and since she didn't say anything he didn't see the harm in looking. After all it would be a shame for her beauty to go unnoticed and unappreciated.


"Don't pop a boner now brother." Calvin joked while they watched Celeste tell Lauren Malory off about her being allowed to talk to Emmett. Rosalie slapped her husbands chest. "I'm just saying. And the staring is getting a little stalkerish."

"Shut up." Emmett mumbled still watching Celeste as she turned to look and him and flip him off. Jasper chucked and Emmett shot him a glare and then turned back to watch as Celeste walked into the building. "Later." He jumped out of the Jeep and followed her to their class.

"The obsession is real."


Emmett droned on half sure she wasn't really listening to while she painted, she listened and remembered every word. He was just happy to have her all over his space in the way her jacket and bag were thrown on his bed and how she sprawled across his floor. He watched as she nodded never looking up from the painting, her tongue poking out a little as she focused on getting the detail just right. She was literally the most stunning person he's ever seen, vampire or not.


"As lovely as I find young love my classroom is not a place to express it." Ms. Gilmore says as she walks into her classroom to see Emmett and Celeste kissing at their desks.

"Very sorry ma'am." Celeste replied, she had permission to be there to work on her paintings during lunch, while Emmett just got permission to bother her. "It's his fault however so feel free to kick him out."

"Ms. Swan don't throw your boyfriend under the bus."

"He's not my boyfriend." Celeste replies. "So under the bus he goes." Ms. Gilmore laughed and shook her head moving to sit at her desk and leave the two to talk.

"I'm not your boyfriend?" Emmett asks and Celeste nods. "Since when?"

"Since always." Celeste shrugs. "You didn't ask me to be your girlfriend so we're just friends who kiss." She smiles at him and went back to painting.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now