Small Things

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Summer 1999

"Wanna go fishing?" Dad asked Bella and I, we were sitting on the couch watching some shitty sitcom that mom liked.

"Sure dad." Bella said standing and heading upstairs. "I'll get ready."

"Billy and Harry coming?" Dad nodded and I cheered. "Alright let's get our fish on." Dad laughed while I went upstairs to change, before heading back down to the car. We sat in silence and headed down to the docs where Billy and Harry were already waiting, Jacob and Leah with them.

"Celeste." Billy called out.

"Hi Billy." I ran up and hugged him and then Harry. "How ya doing Harry?"

"Doing good kid." He ruffled my hair and I had to swat his hand way.

"Jacob." I said and he just waved before going right over to Bella, his crush on her is so obvious unless your her. "Hi Leah."

"Hi Celeste." Leah said, we sat together on a log and let our dads do all the work to load the boat before they called us to get on. I sat next to Bella Leah on my other side, mostly just relaxing and listening as dad, Billy and Harry spoke. It was nice, I missed spending time with dad.

Summer 2004

"Babe get up." I shook Addison who was going to make us late to the movie if she didn't mover her lazy ass. "Come one, the movie starts in an hour."

"That's a long ass time from now." She grumbled and tried to get me to stop shaking her.

"Yea but you take forever to get ready now come on get up." She mumbled something I didn't hear and finally got up to go shower. I sat at her desk and started sketching in her open notebook. She has so many random pictures from me doing this whenever I'm bored.

"Whatcha drawing?" Addison asked after she came out of the shower and put her head on my shoulder, ha Paul Anka has entered the chat. "Oh it's me."

"Yea as a fairy." I tell her and continue to work on the little wings.

"Just cause I'm gay doesn't make me a fairy." She says as she moved to go get dressed.

"Pretty sure it does babe." I tell her laughing. "You should wear blue makes your eyes look nice."

"Or so we can match?" She asks eyeing my outfit.

"That too. Now chop chop, I will not miss this movie." She nods and continues to get dressed.

"Alright I'm ready." I tear the page out of her notebook and put it into the book bag I'm carrying.

"You look hot." I tell her and lean up to kiss her. "Now to the movies."

After Date with Emmett

"So how was it?" I jumped at the sound of Bella's voice, in my dark ass room.

"Hell Bells are you trying to kill me?" I sigh and start to take off my shoes and stuff. "At least turn on the light next time."

"Yea yea, consider it payback for earlier. How was the date?" She asks patting the bed for me to sit.

"Oh yes Bella please invite me to sit on my own bed." I mutter and go sit next to her. "It was really nice."

"Did you have sex?" I swear to everything I just saw the grim reaper standing behind her.

"What the actual fuck Isabella?" I ask and laugh a little. "No we did not have sex."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now