First Times

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"Okay now, you need a victim

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"Okay now, you need a victim." Ray tells me while we sit in his room.

"Can you not call them that?" I groan. "You're making me all nervous for no reason."

"You should be nervous. You are about to change someone's skin and possibly life permanently." Ray says. "I've done everything I can to help you. Now you must fly."

"You're a weird man Ray." I say shaking my head. "Anyway my victim as you so nicely put it will be here in a few minutes."

"Is it your sister?"

"No, Bella has school right now." I tell before I get up to stretch. Tattooing is killing my back. "It's Conner, you've met him like twice."

"Medusa on his back."


"I did that."

"I know Ray." I tell him. "I'm gonna go set my room up now. Go annoy Kit or something."

"No can do I gotta watch to make sure you don't fuck it up." Ray says following me to the studio room that is now mine, I've done some light decorating. Working on a mural for the back wall but god I'm lazy. "Come on show me what you've learned from me the tatty devil."

"How to annoy anyone in 30 seconds." I mumble and pull on gloves to set up. "Dude you're like breathing on my neck. Give a bitch some room please."

"When you mess up it's on you."

"Thank you for having so much faith in me ass hat. Now hush up, I'm working here." I see him put his hands up before backing up. Finally I can work. I set everything up and finally the ink caps. "See I got this."

"I guess you did good."

"I did amazing. Stop trying to make me nervous you old bat." I tell him pulling a cover over my station, before disposing of my gloves. "Let's go he's outside." I hop up and motion for Ray to follow me.

"Looky looky at Celeste's first victim." Ray says as Conner and walk into the shop.

"You can't make me nervous old man." I say. "Ready?" Conner nods and follows me back into my room. "Okay Mr. I want a tramp stamp. You can either be laid flat down or straddling the chair." I tell him as I pull on new gloves.

"I'll just lay here." Conner says.

"Strip first fucker." I tell him grabbing the stencils I made for him. "There we go nice and shirtless."

"Are you trying to seduce my boyfriend you slut?" Paul asks as him and Kit come into the room.

"Nah if anything I'd try seduce you, he's to mentally stable for me." I say shaving Conner's lower back and rubbing stencil stuff on him. "You sure I have free reign?"

"Obviously, remember a match made in the underworld." Conner says. "Just don't tattoo the word faggot on me."

"Boo you faggot." Paul says.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now