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I sighed as I passed Bella's room. She was still sitting in front of the window doing nothing. It was the same thing everyday for the past few weeks. Woke up went to school came home sat there until she goes to sleep just to wake up screaming at 1 am. Dad and I took turns sitting with her at night.
I never thought it would be this bad. She shut me out after the day I came back. She barley even looked my way.

"Hey Bells." I say as I walk into her room. "Dinners ready." She ignores me and continues to stare out the window. I sigh and head downstairs.

"No luck?" Dad asks as I sit down.

"Nope." I sigh and start to eat. "I called her out of school for tomorrow."

"For what?"

"Gonna kidnap her take her to the shop." I tell him. "Maybe set her up with Kit so she'll move on faster."


"Come on it's not healthy." I say. "And some say the best way to get over someone old is to get under someone new."

"I will ground you." I laugh out loud at that.

"Come on dad, I'm only playing. Mostly anyway." I mumble the last bit. "Maybe give her a tattoo a piercing, help her gain confidence."

"Maybe." He mutters. "But no dates."

"Fine fine." I mumble. "I finally get to practice on a human though."

"You can't just use your sister as a test subject. And going from an orange to a human is a big step."

"Please with the way she's acting she might as well be an orange." Dad coughs trying to hide a laugh.
"So how's Billy?" I have t had time to go down to the Rez lately with taking care of Bella and training harder to get my tattoo license. Paul comes here sometimes and Emily send foods. Life's shit right now.

"Doing good." Dad says.

"Oh yea how good?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"No Celeste I am not dating Billy Black." Dad says. "And no I will never be dating him."

"Should I set you up with Ray then?" I ask only to gain a slap to the back of my head. "Come I just don't want you to die alone."

"Planning on leaving me?" Dad asks.

"No I mean like romantically alone." I say sighing. "I just think you deserve a good relationship, after everything that happened with mom. And you take such good care of Bella and me, you deserve it."

"Well maybe one day but for now, I'm good. Just me and my girls." Dad says leaning over to kiss my forehead.

"And Billy Black." I say making him sigh and I smile.


"Did you really lock her in there?" Dad asks when I come downstairs after ignore Bella's banging on her bedroom door. I'm still in my pajamas considering I'm not due into the shop until 3 today.

"Yup and now I'm going to go mess with her engine just enough so her car won't start and that she won't have the first clue on how to fix it." I tell him.

"Are you sure this a a good idea?" Dad asks as he follows me out into the foggy day.

"Nope, but at this point I'm willing to try anything. I miss my sister." I tell him as I pull the cables off her battery.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now