Deck the Halls

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"So you seem like you know how to party." The girl, Clary, I was tattooing says suddenly. "Am I right?"

"You're not wrong." I tell her wiping down her arm. "What about it?"

"There's a new club in Seattle. My family owns it, you should come down one day." She tells me.

"I'm 18." I tell her smiling at the look of shock. "Can't get into clubs quite yet."

"I thought you were at least 23."

"Nope." I tell her. "We're almost done for today then you come back in three weeks and we'll do the color."

"I'm sorry 18? I was flirting with you." She says coving her face with her hand.

"I realized." I say shrugging. "Doesn't matter you're not my type. Plus despite my intense mommy issues older women don't do it for me."
She laughs and I smile.

"Alright we'll still come check it out. It's a good place to vibe."

"18." I remind her.

"Then you just can't drink. Tell your friends too."

"Maybe one day." I tell her. "Take a look."


"I fucking hate Christmas shopping." I say following Bella, Vivian and Conner through the mall. "Please spare me this torture and end me."
They ignore me and I sigh following them into a fucking shoe store that doesn't have Docs. So you know ugh. Lucky Alex got to get free having to babysit her kid brother.

"What do you think of these Cel?" Bella asks waving a pair of shoes in air like she just don't care. Ha.

"Black basic. Perfect. Can we go home now?" I tell her smiling a fake smile that would make Regina George proud.

"Stop being such a grinch you old bitch." Conner says. "It's the best time of the year."

"Wrong. The only good thing about Christmas is Coquito and Emily's cookies."'

"You drink so much I'm surprised your liver still works." Viv says.

"Not true she's only a social drinker and even then I've never seen her do more than like 2 shots and cocktail and beer." Bella says defending me. "She says it makes her tummy hurt."

"Don't mock me Isabella." I say pointing at her. "Besides I figured I've done enough substance abuse in my life."

"True. Did you get mom a gift yet?"

"I gave her the freedom of her lifelong dream of no longer taking care of kids she shouldn't have had by bringing us here. There done." I tell her swinging my feet. "I want ice cream."

"It's 12 degrees outside."

"Well then it's a good thing we're inside isn't Bella boo." I say jumping up. "I'll be back."


"Let's go! I refuse to be late." I shout up the stairs to my dad and Bella who are being very inconsiderate at this moment. Mother fuckers. "I'll leave you here!"

"Oh no. It's almost as of your the only person who has a car and can drive us." Dad says coming down the stairs. "Oh wait."

"Now is not the time for sass old man." I tell him wagging my finger at him. "Isabella Marie Swan bring your ass downstairs before I drag you down!"

"Calm your tits!" She calls before coming downstairs. "God you're so dramatic. Let's go."

"Finally." We walk out the house and I open Ruby. "Youngest in the back." Bella rolls her eyes but gets in. "Alright hoes let's go." I turn up whatever music is playing, newsflash it's Jared's choice, Love songs. I sing along softly as I speed towards the Rez. I pull into Emily's driveway and cut the engine.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now