The Fight

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"I'm a man." Seth argues as we discuss plans for tomorrow's little meet and beat. "You can't keep me on the sides forever."

"Yes we can." Paul said pulling him into a headlock. "Besides this is important, you gotta protect Bella."

"Exactly, which is very important." I tell him. "I don't trust Edgar to do a good job."

"Then why aren't you watching her?" He asks with all the sass of a preteen.

"Because Jasper thinks I'm more help on field." I tell him.

"How unfair." He says and walks to the kitchen.

"This is so much fun." I mutter to Logan who was weirdly laying across my lap like a dog.  "You comfy down there?"

"Not really you're not exactly soft." He says yet continuing to lay on me. "So how's Emmett?"

"Why don't you go ask him? It'll be a cute bonding moment." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Please don't tell me you're still on this whole we're not together thing?" He asks rubbing his hands over his face.

"Well we're not back together." I say and cross my arms. "So I'm just telling the truth."

"You are so stubborn."

"Choke on a dick."

"When you go choke on Emmett's." I pinch his nipple. "Owwww you bitch."

"Hey what are we?" Jared asks him pointing a finger.

"Werewolves not swear wolves." Logan mutters rubbing his nipple. "Don't you have hunting to do?" He asks glaring at me.

"Unfortunately." I tell him smirking at him. "Alright I'll see you losers later."

"Be safe." Paul says as I leave the house.

"You too, all of you."


"So you're telling me we left the virgin Eggplant alone with miss wanna get drunk and nasty Bella?" I ask Emmett through my laughter. "He's gonna be traumatized."

"That's the plan." He tells me smiling. "Besides it was either that or you and Edward hang out on this trip."

"Ah so it's for his safety." I say nodding. "Smart smart."

"Are you actually gonna be mad at him for what is quite literally forever? That's a long time."

"Him, Rosalie and Alice." I tell him. "For as long as we shall be unalive."

"You're so weird."

"Thank you. Now race you." I yell pushing him over and running away.

"Cheater!" He called trying to catch up to me.


We stood in a clearing where Alice saw this whole situation happening and we've been here for hours waiting. This is more boring than high school.

"They're coming." Alice says and then I can hear them running.

"This should be fun." I say and see the first one burst through the tree line. "Bring it baby."


"Bree where is Ryle?" I ask snatching her from behind the bolder. "Now Bree!"

"They went with Victoria." She says flinching as the sounds of vampires being slaughtered and the pack growling. "Ryle said the mountains."

"Okay stay here, if they ask say I went to Bella." I tell her and she nods. "You'll be okay." I tell her and run off, because I'll be damned if Edward kills Andrew.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now