Only You

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"I'm not saying I would cheat on you or let you cheat on me. I'm just saying there has to be at least one celebrity you would bone given the chance without consequences." I tell Emmett while I sort through the clothes he bought me.

"Who's yours?"

"Lauren Graham, Eminem." I pause thinking of my top 5.

"Oh the chick who plays Letty in Fast and Furious." He say clapping.

"Yes Michelle Rodriguez! Ooo plus Devon Akoi, honestly a lot of that cast are hot as fuck." He nods in agreement. "Let's see if I was alive when The Labyrinth came out I would've slept with Bowie but only if he looked like Jareth."


"I am a women of odd tastes I know. But hear me out that scene of the masquerade top tear. And that song. If I ever get married that's my wedding song." (As the World Falls Down- David Bowie)

"If we get married." He corrected and I nodded. "So you'll marry me?" I look over at him and he grins.

"Key word there was if babe."

"Still a possibility." He shrugs and I go back to the clothes. There's literally so much he's like a sugar daddy.

"Oh Dave Navarro too."

"Really? That's the most random one I think."

"Like I said odd taste." I shrug. "But I guess my 5 hall passes go Eminem, Devon Akoi, Michelle Rodriguez, Dave Navarro, and Lauren Graham. In that order."

"Why does the order matter?"

"Because if I meet two of them on the same day I have to choose one." I pause. "Unless they would have a threesome." He laughs. "Ok now your list."

"Ok Michelle Rodriguez, Shakira, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Aniston, and Cameron Diaz. In that order."

"You have fantastic taste." Honestly. "Damn I didn't even consider Salma."

"No but seriously I got the chance you wouldn't get mad?"

"If you got the chance to sleep with Salma Hayek or Michelle Rodriguez and you passed it up, I would kill you." He laughs and I vamp run over to where he's sitting. "I mean it. If you get the chance you better fuck them seven ways to hell."

"It's seven ways to Sunday."

"Not in this house." I grab his face. "Seven ways to hell Emmett."

"Whatever you want babe." He leans up to kiss me. "So seven ways to hell?"

"Yes please."


"I just love you so much." Logan told Marco as he paced the house with him. "But good god I need you to sleep please."

"I told you just give me him and you can go nap with Viv."

"But why won't he just sleep?"

"He's a baby? They're kinda known for doing what they want."

"This is gonna be the worst best thing ever."

"Just give me him drama Queen." I say taking the baby from him. "Go sleep or shower you smell more than normal."



"It feels like it's been forever since it's just been us four." Alex says while we lounge around Vivian's and Logan's place.

"There's literally five of us here." I point out gesturing towards Marco in the crib.

"You know what I mean." She says. "It's been all vampire werewolf and wedding craziness."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now