A Lifetime

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Celeste had disappeared after telling Edward he would have to live with himself for killing Bella. She trusted Rosalie and the others weren't stupid enough to kill the baby by accident. She had seen the baby once as Rosalie held her and she peaked over the other vampires shoulder. Carlie had smiled at her, and she had Bella's smile. So here sat Celeste, in a small house in Phoenix Arizona and she remembered.


To say middle school was rough for Isabella Swan was a slight understatement. Especially since Celeste was in a different grade so she rarely saw her sister. While being quiet in elementary school was okay in middle school it was weird and made Bella a quick target. Unfortunately for those bullies Celeste was meaner than them, and since she was relatively popular she heard about their little games.

So Celeste skipped her class to follow her sister though the halls at a distance of course, Bella would never approve of her actions. She watched as a group of wanna be Cher's pushed Bella around, once they'd had their fill they walked away towards Celeste who just smiled under her hood. She waited for them to pass her before she followed after them into the bathroom. They were still cackling away while as they stood in the mirrors.

"Oh my god you are such a badass babes." Celeste said imitating their higher pitch as she took off her hood, the cackles instantly stopped. Seeing as Celeste had a reputation. "I mean you must feel so good about yourself." The main bully tried to appear unfazed and squared her shoulders.

"Yea I do actually so what?" She smirked looking back at her friends thinking she won.

"So I wanna feel just as good." Celeste replied smiling before she swung, repeatedly, each hit landing, obviously. One of the girls ran out to find a teacher but Celeste didn't care she'd gladly get in trouble for it. The others just stood and watched seeing as they didn't want to get beaten too. Like she said Celeste had a reputation.


Obviously in the end Celeste was both suspended and grounded but as far as the grapevine said no one would even look at Bella wrong anymore. So she was happy with herself.

"Dinner." Bella said walking into her room with a plate. It was a miracle she didn't trip and drop it Celeste thought with a smile.

"Thanks Bells." Celeste said taking the plate. "Renee still mad?" She asked and Bella nodded which made Celeste's smile grow.

"It's not funny Cel." Bella sighed exasperated. "Why'd you even beat the girl up?"

"Felt like it." Celeste lied, she knew why Bella didn't say anything to her about being bullied so she wouldn't say anything about it.

"You're insane." Bella said with a small laugh, she knew why Celeste did it. She appreciated it too but she wouldn't say it, Celeste would only take it as encouragement.

"I know."


"What?" Celeste asked shocked. "You know?"

"Obviously, you're not very good at hiding it." Bella replied. "I mean the only thing you hide worse is your crush on Addison."

"You know about that too?"

"Celeste I think everyone knows." Bella said and then thought about it. "Well except maybe Addison. But Andrew knows so maybe he told her."

"That's it I'm jumping off a bridge." Celeste groaned throwing herself face first onto Bella's bed. "This is the end of my life."

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