Last Chance

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"It's the only way he'll have sex with me." Bella says throwing herself backwards on the bed. "Don't laugh."

"So you're getting married to get dicked down by a ice pop?" I ask her shaking my head. "Bella I'll buy you a glass dildo and it'll be the same, probably better!"

"Celeste." She whines.

"Bella." I Deadpan. "I already told you I support you in whatever you want to do in life, but honestly think about this marriage isn't something you've ever wanted."

"I know, but I mean if we're vampires and it's forever then wouldn't it make sense?"

"Fuck making sense you need to be happy first." I tell her sitting next to her. "I mean come on Bella marriage? At 18?"

"I know. But if anything you'll be there for the divorce won't you?"

"I'll always be here." She smiles I snort. "Even when rumors start that you're preggo."

"Oh god."


I am being held hostage, Calvin, Jasper and Emmett are holding me here for unknown reasons, well not unknown but seeing as they haven't mentioned the reasons I'm not going to acknowledge them. And technically Emmett wasn't part of this situation he was just here to be here. Alice sits across from me in the Cullens dining room while I glared at her.

"If I promise to suck your dick can I leave?" I ask Emmett.

"Yea let's go." He says and stands.

"Sit down horny." Calvin say shoving him back into his seat rolling his eyes. "Besides this is necessary."

"What's necessary?" I ask him. "Because I've been sitting here for over an hour and nothing has happened!"

"Alright so you told me you didn't want to be able to see the future." Calvin says standing like a teacher. "But what about the past?"

"What the fuck would that help with?"

"Well actually I suggested it." Alice says and gods it took all of my will and Jaspers attempt at peacefulness to keep me in the chair. "I want help seeing my past."

"Get a therapist you stupid bitch." I snap and now Calvin is physically restraining me but gods I am so tired of this shit. "You want to ask for my help after all the shit you pulled? Are you insane?"

"Celeste." Calvin muttered trying to soothe my anger. "Can we just talk about the idea please?"

"No and fuck your for even asking."  I yell shoving him off of me. "Gods." I storm out of the house mutter curses they can obviously hear.

"Hi." Bree says as she pops up. "Wanna go hunting?" She was smiling this dopey smile she has now all the time. She was thriving now.

"Yea, go get Andy." I tell her ruffle her hair before she dashed away. "You stay away from me." I snap at Calvin who was walking towards me.

"Come on firework."

"I am going to beat your ass like you're Egbart." I snap and he backs up a step. Bree comes skipping down the steps with Andrew who looks like he's on drugs and no sleep. "You look gross Andy."

"Fuck off." He grumbles. "Let's go I'm starved."

"As you wish." I say bowing a little. "Race ya!" We race through the woods Bree laughs as her and Andy play tag. "Wasn't he just all grumpy?" I mumble to myself while we keep going.

"Dibs!" Bree yells before darting off to the left, she has taken very well to this animal diet.


"Boyfriends here." Lani says as she brings Emmett back into my room at the shop. "Remember this is a sterile environment please and thank you." I roll my eyes and keep working on my current commission.

"What's up man." Paul says standing. "I'm gonna go get lunch." He pats my head before disappearing.

"So I was thinking." Emmett started as he took Paul's abandoned seat.

"Uh oh." I tease and he laughs. "So what's up?"

"Let's go on a vacation."

"Some of us don't have trust funds and need to work pretty boy."

"What's mine is yours." He says smiling at me, I roll my eyes a little. "Come on a beautiful vacation with me we can relax and get some sun."

"Oh so you're delusional now?" I turn to face him putting my pencil down. "I don't know if you remember but we kinda sparkle like disco balls hon."

"It's a private island."

"See trust fund baby." I point and he laughs. "Where is this island exactly?"

"Off the coast of Brazil."

"Mmm seems suspicious." I pick the pencil back up to twirl it through my fingers. "Besides Bella need to do wedding planning Emily and Sams wedding is soon." I shrug. "It seems to busy for that."

"So actually Sam and Emily's wedding is in three days and then Bella says the wedding will be August 13 so you have roughly three weeks in between."

"Vivian's gender reveal."

"Not till the 10." He smirks like he's won the lottery and I clap for him. "So you need to shop or anything first?"

"I still work."

"I already asked Ray for the time off." He say smiling. "And he approved it. So vacation. Oh and Carlisle agreed to keep an eye on Andrew and Bree and keep them away from the three problems."

"You trapped me." I accuse but it's cute how much planning he put into this little vacation. "So when do we leave on this hypothetical vacation?"

"Day after the Sam and Emily's wedding."

"I'll think about it."

"Flights at noon."


"I come bearing shots

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"I come bearing shots." I say walking into the grooms and groomsmen room. "Ooo look at you guys all clean and pretty."

"We do look pretty snazzy don't we." Jared says brushing non existent dust off his suit. "And you look nice as well best lady."

"I know." I say spinning in my little fancy suit. "Curtesy of a stolen credit card." Sam gives me a look. "It's just Alice's." He smiles at that and shakes his head.

"Alright Alright its picture time." Paul says straightening his jacket. "Let's go boys and corpse."

"Hardy har." I shove him a bit and we file out to get many many pictures taken. Like a lot.

"Okay can we just get the groom and the best lady." The photographer says we move to the position he wants us in and smile again.

"Still can't believe he chose Celeste over me." Jared says to Paul who pays his shoulder.

"Sucks to suck buddy." I say and he sticks his tongue out. "Besides I look so good in this outfit.

"Enough Children."


Okay so we all walked down the isle I walked with Leah who is the maid of honor. And now we wait for Emily.

"Last chance to back out." I whisper and Sam swats me. "Well then here she comes."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now