Family Bonding

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Few days later

Few days later

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"Isabella." I said as I slid into my sisters room in my socks.

"Can I help you Celestial?"

"That's not even my name."

"But it's pretty." I laid down next to her in bed.

"I guess, but enough about names, how have you been?"

"I've been good."

"Okay But give me details Bella!" I cried out shaking her shoulder a little. "Who has the worst breath in the gossip clique? Anymore dates to prom? Who is the worst flirt out of all the horrid choices you have?"

"Ok um, I don't smell their breath, that's weird and gross." I laugh and nod. "Tyler Crowley asked me but I think it's as an apology for almost crushing me." Fucking bitch I still need to kill him. "And honestly Mike because it makes Jess angry and his jokes are bad and he ways weird things and he nicknamed me Arizona."

"Woah there lots to unpack. Okay let's start with, Tyler Crowley and his invite to prom." I poke Bella's stomach and she giggles a little. "What did you tell him?"

"I said no."

"Aww you probably broke his heart."

"I doubt it. Like I said he did it cause he felt bad about the accident."

"Or maybe he asked because he thinks your pretty and he likes you because your nice." Bella blushes a little.

"Maybe but that's not the point."

"Okay so the only one left to ask you is Eric Yorkie."

"Oh god I hope he doesn't."

"Why not?"

"Because Angela likes him."

"Angela is the one who wears glasses yea?" I ask her and she nods. "I like her she seems sweet."

"She is and she's into photography."

"Nice. Okay now let's unpack the whole nickname thing. One you called Stanley Jess, and two what bad nickname did Mike give you."

"Well I mean Jess is just a nickname. And Mike calls me Arizona."

"Your joking?"

"Nope, he calls me Arizona." I can't help but laugh and Bella joins in. "The other day he was all 'Hey Arizona, how you liking the rain gurl?'"

"Oh no." I start laughing even more at her male voice. "Poor Bella, you made some weird friends."

"No overall they're really nice, little much but nice."

"Good I'm happy your making friends, speaking of you know how you told Mike your going to visit mom."

"Yea why?"

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now