True Love

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Emmett was basically bouncing off the walls as we drove to the shop. He'd finally decided he was ready to get a tattoo. 'To commit to something forever' Aside from me of course. The only sucky part was he didn't want to tell me until we were at the shop. Watch him ask for a lion, or worse a bear.

"Hello people." I greet as we walk into the shop. "How's it going?"

"Fantastic." Ray says sarcastically, I look over to kit.

"No walk ins?"

"Nope." Kit said smirking as Ray turned to glare at him.

"Come on Ray it's barley 12 on Tuesday afternoon give it a few."

"Whatever." Ray said and I smiled at him, he's so him. "Anyway what's he getting today?" I shrug and look to Emmett.

"One infinity symbol please." He says grinning and I swear I hear Ray's anger spike. "Nah I'm joking."

"Oh look we have ourselves a court jester." Ray deadpans. "Kit call me if someone wants to be repeatedly stabbed." Kit nods and Ray walks into the back.

"Ok before you start can you watch the door while I go get food?" Kit asks and I nod. "Thank you, I'm starving."

"You're always starving." I tell him and he grins before leaving. "So what are you actually getting?" I ask Emmett and he smiles before showing me a picture of me. "Nope."

"Well obviously I want it stylized." He tells me. "Your face, but very fantasy vampire vibes."

"Oh gods you're serious."

"No I'm Emmett." He says and I cannot believe we're at the point where he's taking my bad jokes. "But come on don't you think it'd be cool?"

"Cool? Maybe. Insane. Yes." He smiles and points at the picture. "Alright fine. Where am I going?"

"Wherever you want." He says and winks. "I mean I prefer down." I laugh and he smirks again. "Okay I'll sit in the corner and let you work your magic."

He sits and I grab my book might as well do it. Definitely gives me some feelings, feelings that would make Jasper and Edgar barf, but that's not the point the point is he wants my face on his body.

"Dude that's so sick." Kit says when he comes back in and looks at the sketch. "And so tooth rotting cute that his first tattoo is your face." He teases poking my cheek. "True love."

"Stop you're making this sappier than it needs to be." I joke but he's right. We're soulmates and all that cute stuff. "Alright come on babe, time to get stabbed." ''Em gets up and follows me back into my area. "Now are you sure?" He nods and I nod back. "Alright stand on this."


"He seems to be taking this well." Ray says as he comes into check on us. "And you went big for a first timer."

"That's what she said." I mutter and he scoffs. "Anyway I went big too, it's not that bad." Ray hums. "Anyway master how do you think I did with your specialty?"

"You do a pretty good job kiddo."

"Thanks old man." I say grinning he nods and then walks out. "Okay now we're done with the black onto the color."

"Does it hurt more?" Emmett asks me.

"Does it hurt at all?" He shakes his head. "Then no Emmett."

"Hey I'm just checking." I nod and start on the red. "So when are you getting my face?" I snort. "I'm serious we're in this together forever."

"Obviously but I'm not into the whole portrait thing. Besides I have a tattoo for you."

"A breakup tattoo."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now