G. V. O. A. T.

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"That's it I've done it, I'm officially the greatest vampire of all time." I yell out to myself and Achilles while I sit in my house. Everyone else is out hunting but I already hunted yesterday, besides I'm not one for 'family' outings with the Cullens. "That's right Achilles you have the greatest mom ever." He just tilts his head at me like he doesn't understand that I'm so fucking awesome and cool. "Wanna go for a walk?" He jumps up and starts wagging his tail like crazy. "See I make the greatest vampiric discovery since hybrids and all you care about is peeing." He barks and I go open the door to let him out.


"I need a test dummy." I say as I walk into the Cullen house, Emmett had texted me they were back.

"Not it!" Jasper and Emmett yell out touching their noses.

"Fuck." Calvin mutters much to the other two's amusement. "Am I gonna be in pain?"

"I wasn't so you should be fine."

"Oh joy." He mutters and turns to look at the others. "I'm gonna get you back for this. Just wait."

"Not if Celeste kills you with this experiment." Jasper jokes.

"Can it cowboy. It's completely safe, I just need to see how far this extends." He eyes the bag I have and sighs. "Come on don't be a scaredy cat."


"Carlisle, can I use the weird medical malpractice sterile room you have?" I ask and hear a yes from where he's probably reading. "Okay follow me."

"Just know if I die Rosalie will avenge me."

"Just know I've been waiting months to fight her, and I don't pull punches." I grin and we head up to the room. "Okay I need your full trust for this."

"This sounds suspicious."

"Don't make it gay Calvin." I respond and he rolls his eyes. "And don't be rude. Now stand there while I prep."

I go and start to set up my station and a speaker. These vampires will sit in silence for days like the freaks they are. See if I didn't have to hide being a vampire setting up at the shop would be so much faster. I turn on the music and pull on my gloves.

"Come on Calvin." I gesture and he eyes the set up. "Trust me." He comes over and I start plucking out the hairs from his ankle, which is surprisingly less hairy than I thought it would be. I wipe it down once I'm done. "Okay pick one."

"You know this won't." He starts.

"Shush and pick one." He points to the left and I nod, before wiping the stencil stuff on him. "Okay see if you like how this looks." I point towards the mirror and he shakes his head.

"Trusting you." He says and I nod.

"Okay lay down face up." He listens and I move his leg to sit on the rest. Gotta give it to malpractice Carlisle he has everything. I stand and change my gloves and pick up the machine, realistically I probably don't need gloves but better safe than sorry.
"Let's see if this works."

"500 says it doesn't work."

"Yea well that'll pay nicely for this anyway." I mutter knowing he can hear me. I focus all my attention into my left hand as I place it just above the stencil and then after a few seconds I put ink to his now soft skin.


"Shut up." I say but I'm smiling because it's fucking working. Greatest. Vampire. Of. All. Time. "But also I'm so fucking nervous." I say as I dip the needle. "I did not think I would get this far." He snorts and I just do what I do best and tattoo. After a while I finish and put the machine down but keep my hand on his arm. "Here's where things get iffy." See I did right after they hunted because I need blood to heal the tattoo but also it's not really healing. Who cares vampire magic mumbo, blah blah blah. Ha, blah blah blah.

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