The Boyz

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Same day as last chapter.

"Hey Viv not to rush you but can you like, have a baby?" I ask her, while we wait for the bell at Vivian's locker.

"Why don't you?" She asks me.

"Because I don't want kids. I do however want to be the cool aunt who spoils one, so you know get to poppin'."

"Ask Alex or Conner."

"But Conner likes boys so he can't get a girl pregnant and Alex likes girls so, she can't get pregnant, I don't want kids, therefore you're my only hope."

"You have a sister." Conner deadpans.

"How did you know I like girls?"

"I guessed. Also, Bella either won't have kids or won't let me dress them in the type of clothes I want to, she's put them in khakis and botten down shirts." I whine. "Please Viv just one and I'll help raise it."

"Maybe after high school."

"Ugh Fine."

"Emmett Cullen is staring at you again." She says and points behind me where Emmett is standing with Calvin while Rosalie rummages through her locker.

"Of course he is he likes her." Conner says. "And girl you should go after that."

"Um no."

"Why not he's hot, you're hot. Hot people equals hot sex."

"Boy if you don't stop, I met him like a day ago and he's already angered me in that time."

"And you've made up in that time." Alex points out, the group nods in agreement.

"Hmmm let me think no."

"Why not?" Conner asks.

"Because I just, no." I shrug not wanting to get into it. "And no I will not be changing my mind."

"Oh girl you will, in fact I bet you will." Alex says.

"How much?"

"100 bucks and you have to let me drive Ruby."

"Deal. And just so you know I would've let you drive Ruby if you just asked."

"Oh no fair, I didn't know that."

"Should've asked." I grab her hand. "Come on we have physics."

"Ugh just shoot me." I look at her and just shake my head. We walk into the class room. "Get your man sis, and make sure to pay up when I win." I roll my eyes and go sit down at the table. Emmett walks in with his siblings and they sit down.

"So angel still with him?" I ask Rosalie.

"Yes she is." I look at Calvin, ugh males.

"I asked the angel not her toy."

"I'm not a toy. Rosalie tell her I'm not a toy."

"Celeste, Calvin is a toy you're right and he needs to accept it." We start laughing and he pouts. What is it with guys and pouting like children.

"Well angel like I said, if you change your mind I'm here."

"Can you stop trying to seduce my sister?" Emmett cuts. I smile at him and do what Addison taught me.

"Would you rather I try to seduce you instead?"

"Yes yes he would." Calvin cuts in.

"A shame he's pretty enough for that."

"Excuse me. Yes I am."

"No you're not." Lies "But I am." I smirk at him.

"Are you implying you want me to seduce you?"

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now