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"I'm sorry what?" I ask Bella while she rants about Edward. "You're telling me the red head bitch has beef with Edward?"

"Yes why?" She asks looking confused.

"That's the bitch that turned me." I tell her thinking back to her in the club. "Holy shit everything really is his fault."

"Wow. So is this a bad time to say I miss him."

"Anytime is a bad time for that." I say laying back in the bed. "But I guess now is as good as time as any. So why do you miss him?"

"I don't even know." She says throwing herself down next to me. "Like I miss being wanted you know. Like you know having someone wanting me romantically even after knowing me. Does that make sense?"

"Of course it does." I tell her. "It's completely normal and very human."

"You don't miss that feeling sometimes?" She asks me.

"I mean I guess I do." I tell her thinking about it. "However my feelings of anger run higher than that."

"So what do you think I should do?" She asks me sitting up.

"I think you should do whatever you want. You're an adult and I trust your decisions." I say carefully. "However I also think you need to make sure to set boundaries and take it slow. There's no need to rush."

"And you won't be mad."

"At Edward? Always. But you? Like I said I trust your ability to think for yourself."

"Okay enough with me, you and Emmett."


"What? Come on this is bonding time." She says hitting me with a pillow. Not that it hurt. "Talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about." I tell her shrugging. "I don't currently plan on getting back with him, am I a hundred percent sure it'll never happen? No. But I also can't guarantee it will."

"Okay fair." She says thinking about it. "But how do you feel when you see him?"

"Sad." I tell being honest. "Like he made me feel really special and all that sappy shit but he just left." She starts playing with my hair. "And it's like, he didn't even break up with me, like I wasn't worth a breakup."

"I don't think that's what it was." Bella says after a minute. "I think he didn't want to break up with you at all. So it was easier just to leave."

"Still sucky."

"That is true."

"And if that's true why hasn't he been all up in my face like Edwin?" I ask her feeling really bad now. Like I'm unwanted or something.

"Because you just beat the shit out of Edward like two days ago for a acting like that." She answers without hesitation. "Or maybe he knows you enough to know you can't be pressured you need to come to terms of your own."


"And maybe if he knows that it's because he knows you because he cares about you. Even if he's stupid too."



The amount of time I'm starting to spend at this house disgusts me but oh here I am again. I in fact do not lack manners so I knock and Calvin comes to the door.

"Hello firework, how are you doing along this lovely day?"

"Who the fuck is Victoria and what is her beef with you band of twats?" I ask him.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now