New Moon? No, New You

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"So what are doing for you today?" The stylist asks Bella who looks uncomfortable just breathing at this point.

"Can we see the color book please?"  I ask the lady. "I'm thinking red for me and maybe blue for you."

"What if don't want a color?" Bella asks me raising an eyebrow.

"Then how about shoulder length?" I ask her, the lady comes back and hands me the color book. "Thank you." I open the pages and flip through them. "Oo this purple is nice." I lean over and show Bella. "Or maybe blonde?"

"I'll do this short and this color but that's it." Bella says pointing at a Carmel color.

"Deal. I'm still going red." I tell her.

"At least you're not chopping it off again." Bella mutters.

"Hey I liked the short hair. I would never do it again but I liked it." I tell her.

"Ready ladies?" The hair dressers asks us.

"Yes we are." I tell her smiling at her in the mirror.


"Oh you look so pretty Bells!" I say clapping as she examines her hair in the mirror. "Look it's so short and it's shiny."

"I know Celeste I can see it." Bella says.

"We'll do you like it?"

"Yea I do." Bella admits smiling a little.

"Yes! I did it ladies and gentlemen, I did it." I say cheering a little. "Now this took way longer than expected so shopping is postponed, however do you want to home or come with me to the shop?"

"I guess I'll go to the shop." Bella says after a while. "But I want food first."

"You got it Dude." I pay and tip the ladies before going to the car. "Diner food? Or sushi?"

"Sushi does sound good." Bella says.

"Alright then."


"I am here, with food and my twin." I say as we walk into the shop.

"Food!" Lani says as she comes around the front counter. "Oh wow you are so pretty."

"Um thanks you too." Bella mumbles blushing.

"Lani this is Bella. Bella this is Lani, she works front of house and steals all my food."

"It's not my fault you pick the best food." Lani says. "So Bella, you gonna get anything done today? Cel gets a good discount."

"Probably not." Bella says, I walk around and pull out a chair for Bella to sit. "Though it is tempting."

"Don't forget addictive." Kit says as he walks out the back. "Oo sushi."

"This is Kit, he's a piercer."

"Sup." Bella just waves. "You two look nothing alike."

"Thank you for pointing out things we already knew Kit." I say. "Ray's back there tattooing and Vega should be here soon."

"Cool." The three of them sit down to eat while I grab a soda to bring to Ray and a water.

"Knock knock." I say and push open the curtain. "Came to make sure you're both hydrated."

"Thanks kid." Ray says. "Come look at this."

"You just love doing weird shit don't you old man."

"You know it. Now get out you're ruining the vibes." Ray says shooing me.

"Whatever you say. I got sushi for you." I tell him and walk out the room. "Oh look Vega got here, she's a tattoo artist and a piercer."

"Yea hi thanks for lunch." Vega says around a mouthful of sushi.

"Don't be a heathen. Swallow then speak dumbass" Lani says. "So new hair new you?"

"Are you saying I need to change?" I ask her.

"I mean you can stand to be less aggressive sometimes." Lani says teasing.

"She's got you there Celeste." Bella says laughing a little.

"Wow betrayed by my own twin." I say holding my chest. "I can't believe this."

"Can't believe what?" Ray asked as him and his client came out.

"Lani said I need to stop being so aggressive."

"Lani don't bully Celeste. She'll hurt your feelings and I will not listen to you whine about it." Ray tells her. "And you it's $300."

"Here you go man." They guy pays Ray. "And a tip cause this is amazing."

"Why thank you, I'm glad you like it." Ray says and takes his sushi. I sit and continue to eat. The guy doesn't leave and continues to eye Bella up and down.

"She's 14 perv." I snap, they guy looks up before rushing out the shop. "Disgusting."

"See aggressive." Lani said pointing at me with her chopsticks.

"He was looking at my little sister!"

"By like 10 minutes." Bella argues laughing.

"It's 12 minutes and don't you forget it Isabella."

"Like you would ever let me." Bella says smiling. "So what's a good starter piercing?"

"Oh she's a piercing virgin?" Kit asks all excited, I nod and he pulls out his portfolios. "Silver or gold?"

"Silver." Bella says. "I'm too pale for gold."

"Alright and I see you have some opal and teal rings." Kit says and brings his book over. "So I'm thinking obviously simple lobes and a orbital. Or we can do a basic cartilage and use chains to connect them like this."

"What's an orbital?"

"It goes around this part of your ear." Kit says touching her ear. "Here I have a few pictures of some I've done."

"Oh that is cool." Bella says. "Celeste what do you think?"

"I say get it. Worse case you take it out one day." I get up and start to clean all the trash.

"Okay so can we do it now?" Bella asks Kit.

"Totally, here let's look at the jewelry." Kit lead Bella over to the display cases.

"Celeste practice now." Ray says slapping fake skin down in front of me. "Just because little you is here doesn't mean you get to slack off."



"We're home." I call into the house. "We come bearing food and make- overs."

"Hey girls." Dad says waking into the kitchen. "Wow bright hair."

"Doesn't Bella look so good. Oh and look at her ears."

"Wow I'm surprised Cel got you to agree." Dad says. "You both look good."

"Thanks dad." Bella says. "Celeste is uh persistent to say the least."

"Don't I know it." Dad says as we sit down to eat.

"I am right here you two." I say. "Also Bella I would've been okay with you just getting a trim."

"So I dyed my hair for nothing?"

"No you dyed your hair for you. Now all we need is to spice up your closet. You can keep your old clothes but add some edge."

"I will admit, I didn't hate this outfit. But I'm keeping my flannels."

"Don't you mean the flannels you stole from dad."


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