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"Bro what the fuck?" Vivian asked as I drove all of us to school

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"Bro what the fuck?" Vivian asked as I drove all of us to school.

"I don't even know man." We're talking about how Emmett decided to cancel the date and our friendship.

"Whatever his loss." Conner says. I nod in agreement and pull into a parking space. I think Alex is the most upset why I couldn't tell you. I get out to let Conner and Vivian out of the car.

"Alex come on." She shakes her head and slides down in her seat. "Alex come on. Viv she won't get out."

"Why won't you get out?" Viv asks as she comes and stands next to me.

"I don't wanna be here."

"No one does, but we are." Alex sighs and finally gets out of the car. "Emmett Cullen is staring at you again." We all look over to where the Cullen Coven is standing around their cars.

"Man I hate this place, I say we leave." Conner speaks up. Agreed hoe.

"Lets go then." Alex says, bouncing in excitement.

"Let me go tell Bella first." I Say and walk towards my sister before I'm stopped by.

"Hi I'm Jade." Shes hot, like super hot. She extends her hand for me to shake, which I do, obviously.

"I'm Celeste."

"Right, talk of the town." Ugh she ruined it, here I was planning our wedding and she ruined it. "Sorry that's weird." You think? But your hot so maybe I'll forgive you.

"Can I help you Jade?"

"Um I don't know if you know my brother, Mike?"

"Looks like a lost puppy?" She laughs and runs her hand though her hair. Hot.

"Yea, well uh he asked your sister to prom?"

"Bold of him." She has a nice smile. "What did she say?"

"That she's going to Jacksonville."

"Yea visiting our mom and her boyfriend." I raise an eyebrow. "So how can I help you?"

"He wanted me to find out if she was lying." Nope no wedding, maybe just a fling or something.

"Ahh, and if I tell you she was would you tell him that?"

"Is she?"

"Maybe, tell your brother, regardless she wouldn't have said yes. Hopefully I see you around Jade." I pat her shoulder and walk away. "Bella darling."


"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Yes I will cover for you today, but you will not make this a habit." I throw my arms around her.

"I love you." I say as I rock us back and forth.

"And you have to cook dinner tonight, alone." Spoke to soon.

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