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Celeste's face claim is so beautiful

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Celeste's face claim is so beautiful. (Liyaperez on insta btw)
And she just gives Celeste's vibes
Anywho enjoy love y'all

"What about a bird?" Emmett asks while he scrolls on Google.

"Only if it's a talking one." I say. "But then I would feel like one of those bastards from sea world. No nothing exotic."

"So no snakes?"

"Those are boring anyway." I shrug as much as I can splayed across the couch as I am. "What about bunnies? A whole litters worth."

"I think we should talk about what this is really about." He muttered.

"About me wanting a pet?" I ask confused. "Emmett I like animals." Plus now that Bella has officially taken Athena back to her cottage I was down one. Or half one seeing as Athena liked to hide more than play.

"Okay fine. Cat?"

"Only if it's a Maine coon. Or a real gangly one that looks like it went through a blender."

"Celeste you know you can adopt a kid right?" He says looking over at me.

"Yes however I don't want a kid I want a pet." I tell him and he just raises a eyebrow. "What? It's true. Kids are not for me."

"You literally agreed to babysit Marco for a month if they needed you to."

"That's being a good godmother." Emmett got up and walked over to the bookcase and pulled out a folder that I had stashed there.

"If you don't want kids what's this?"

"Schools for Bree and Andy to look at when we eventually have to move." Not for a good long while if I had my way, and I would. Emmett raised a brow at me. "What it'll be there first time getting to finish high school they should enjoy it as much as they can."

"Celeste you want kids." He said slowly as if I was a toddler. "Which is fine you know the things you want in life change as you age."

"Which would be fine and dandy if was aging. But I'm not. So this is a hill I plan to die on." I say standing and crossing my arms. See now I feel like a toddler.

"If you admit you want kids I'll kill your mother."

"That's so not fair. You know I would do anything to have her end up dead." I argue.

"So then just say the truth Cel. That's all I'm asking for."

"Blah." He walks over and puts his hands on my hips.

"I know that maybe this isn't the life you'd thought you have, and maybe kids isn't what you wanted but you can have them. I'll adopt a whole orphanage if it makes you happy."

"I know you would." I say wrapping my arms around him. "But I don't want kids, like ever. At all."

"Whatever you say."


"I don't want kids do I?" I asked Paul while we hauled logs for the bonfire.

"I have no interest in getting into this with you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're not emotionally mature enough to deal with the fact that you've gotten over your mommy issues enough to want a family."

"Shut up Paul."


"No I don't."

"That's the problem Onyx. I think you're just scared of change because so much has changed in your life and now it feel like it's out of your control."

"When did you get wise?"

"I've always been wise."

"Sure." I say patting his shoulder. "But I mean let's say, hypothetically, I do want kids, I can't even adopt one."

"Your boyfriends family have been making new identities for like a century. I think you'll be able to get a kid."

"Okay even then, I don't know if I'll want one, you know like forever." I tell him. "Like what if it's a phase."

"Celeste stop being a baby and have a baby."

"Shut up Paul." He laughs and I throw a log at him.

"Celeste even if you don't ever have kids I think you need to just really sit and think about where you thought you would be and where you are." He tells me putting his hands on my shoulders. "You need to do whatever is going to make you happy and even if it seems wrong to who you were you need to think about who you are now."

"Yea I guess. But even then kids seem wrong."

"Get a therapist I'm done talking to you about feelings it feels fruity." He says with an overly dramatic shiver.

"Yea yea fruitcake."


I sighed again trying to get my dad ask me what was wrong, but he just looked at me, his mustache twitched and he looked back at the shotgun. "Sigh!" I say pulling a Billy.

"Fine Celeste tell me what's bothering you." He says crossing his arms.

"Well since you asked." I say sitting up straighter. "So there's a rumor going around that I want to have a kid."

"A rumor." I nod. "And who started this rumor?"

"Technically Jasper but now Emmett won't shut up about it. And the worse part is Paul agrees with them!"

"Well Celeste." He starts and then looks away. "I think you just feel stuck." I wait for him to continue. "It's because you're seeing all your friends and even your sister have new things, babies or Conner starting college, you feel stuck. Or left behind."


"It's because you went and immediately started tattooing and you've been a vampire, you've hit a steady level but since everything has been so crazy for so long you feel stuck." He says while he waved his hands around. "Honestly I doubt you want kids you just want more change. Get a fish or another dog and you'll see you'll feel better. And don't compare yourself and your life to anyone else."

"Wow you really do get wise in your old age." I say because it makes so munch sense. "You should be been a therapist."

"Celeste I mourned a marriage for 16 years and didn't realize I liked men till 6 months ago, I couldn't help a baby out of a paper bag."

"Remind me not to let you dog sit." I say scrunching my and making him laugh. "You're my favorite person dad."

"Yea well. You're mine." He says lowly and ducking his head to try to his his blush. "Now can I clean my gun?"

"Yea dad."


Emmett walked into the house to find Bree cuddling with Celeste and Achilles while Andrew sat next to them. They were watching Gilmore Girls. Celeste was stroking Bree's hair and he smiled to himself. She was right she didn't want to adopt a kid, but she was wrong when she said she didn't want to be a mother. Considering she was already a mother of two and half if you counted Achilles.

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