5th Class Today

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Honestly this school is way to small. Like the whole schools population is only half of my old schools junior class. I should have realized that is was small when I got all the same classes as Alex and then Conner and Vivian had half of those classes too. Currently I was walking with them to the lunch room while Vivian complained about the Physics project they got. When I got off the line I heard my name being called. I looked over to see some random kid sitting with Bella waving me over.

"Looks like the gossip group is summoning you." Alex said. Oh no.

"Can you please come save me in like 10 minutes." I ask. I can't leave Bella completely alone.

"Sure. If you don't last that long we'll be over there." She says pointing at a table. I nod and walk over to my sister and sit down next to her.

"Hi I'm Angela." A girl with glasses says.

"Hey I'm Celeste."

"Oh we know." This other girl says. That's not creepy at all. I raise my eyebrow at her and choose to ignore her.

"How's your day been Bella?" I ask. She mumbles something about it being fine and that's that. She's looking around and then something catches her eye.

"Hey who are they?" She ask the table while looking at a group of people.

"Oh the Cullens." Angels answers.

"They're um Dr. and Mrs. Cullens foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska a few years ago." She sounds like she's trying to hold back word vomit. I regret this. Oh god no wonder they call them gossipers.

"They kinda of keep to themselves."

"Yea because they're all together. Like together together." What other kind of together is there you dumbass. God I hate people. "Like the blonde girl Rosalie and the guy with dark hair Calvin they like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." Mind your fucking business.

"Jess they're not actually related." Ok better.

"Yes but they live together it's weird." Omg lord give me patience because this is not looking to good. "Ok and the little dark haired girl, Alice, shes really weird." Says the girl who knows everyone's business. "She with Jasper the blond one who looks like he's in pain." You're gonna look like your in pain if you don't shut up. I just roll my eyes and stab my salad.
"Dr. Cullens like this foster dad slash matchmaker."

"Maybe he'll adopt me." Creepy.

"Who are they?" Bella asks. Bells I love you but why enable her gossiping.

"Edward and Emmett Cullen. Both totally gorgeous but apparently nobody here's good enough for them." Do you smell that? It smells like rejection. Ha. "Like I care you know."

"Sounds like you care." I say. She glares I me and I just smile.

"You know those friends you made aren't good people."

"Excuse me." Watch what you say you wanna be queen bee. God she's just sad.

"They're like not good."

"And you like can't mind your business can you?" She looks so shocked. Oh child you haven't seen anything yet. "I highly doubt you ever spoken to any of my friends therefore you don't know about them. And then you talk all the shit about the Cullens like you aren't weird for knowing all of everyone's business. You're just mad that your not them and in all honesty you need a life." I stand up and look her up and down. "And if your gonna talk shit you need to dress better." And now I'm gonna walk away before I end up suspended. I start to walk over to where Alex said she was but she was right in front of me.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now