Ink Stains

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"Honestly Celeste, are you actually learning I something or are just spending time getting more tattoos?" Dad asked me while staring at my third tattoo since I started at the shop a little over a month ago.

"Both, honestly I think Vega is just happy she can finally do some tattoos." Apparently she is also tattoo artist, however she mostly does piercing because she specializes in cartoons and anime things. "Besides I'm part of the ANBU now."

"ANBU, isn't that from like a book or something."

"Anime actually, Naruto the one with the emo, the sunshine and the pinkie."

"Right right." Dad says as he takes a sip from his beer. "And those two I don't know."

"It's just a pretty little snake and the moon phases." I tell him shrugging. "Besides, now I get a discount so better for me and my wallet."

"Very true."

"Although I will admit, I do have to buy a few new shirts from getting ink stains on them." Sadly. "Good thing I wear mostly black."


"Hi Esme." I said as I walked into the Cullen kitchen where she was cooking.

"Hi Celeste." I sit down at the kitchens island and watch her cook while I wait for Alice who summoned me here. "Here, eat up." She places a plate in front of me.

"Thank you." She smiles and walks out of the kitchen. I sit and eat in silence until Alice skips in.
"Sup pixie."

"Okay we need to plan." She sets out a small pink binder in front of me.

"Plan what?"

"Yours and Bella's birthday party."

"Bella hates parties Alice." I tell her and she waves it away. "I also will not be in town for my birthday."

"What I didn't see that." Oh to be a foreseeing vampire. "Where are you going?"

"Arizona." I tell her sighing. "I have a grave to visit."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's cool. Sorry I'll miss the party. Make sure to take pictures of Bella being awkward for me." She laughs her little bell like laugh.

"Will do, so tell me this theme or this one." She shows me two very sparkly options one pink and one champagne and red.

"That's very dramatic Alice. Isn't it just your family and Bella?"


"Then the pink." She nods and takes out more pictures according to that theme.

"Oh god Alice this is a lot." I look through all the lists and things she has. "Bella likes vanilla and do roses they're pretty."

"Okay perfect, she's gonna love it."

"Oh I'm sure she will." I say. "After she argues about it not happening for the whole time."

"That why it's a surprise." I shake my head at her and watch as Emmett and Jasper come into the kitchen. "And I got her this dress."

"This is gonna be a disaster." I say. "Please record all of it for me." I say to Jasper.

"Will do ma'am."

"You should wear a cowboy hat, like just all the time." Emmett laughs. "I'm so serious it's not like he doesn't wear cowboy boots already."

"That is true." Jasper says.

"No cowboy hats. And don't encourage that Celeste."

"Come on Alice it'd be funny." I tell her. "Tell her cowboy."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now