Vampire Baby

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"Don't think this makes us friends." I tell Rosalie as we get out of the car at the airport. "I just believe in safety in numbers."

"I know." She murmurs and we walk towards the baggage claim to find Bella and Egbert. "For what it's worth I'm still sorry."

"It's worth nothing." She nods and I roll my eyes. "Bella!" I yell as I see her and she smiles as she sees me before running into my arms. "We got you kid."

"Thanks." She mumbles and smiles at Rose. "He's gonna be angry."

"Fuck him this is about you." Rosalie says squaring her shoulders as Eggward approaches us. I don't even need Jasper's gift to feel the hostility rolling off him. "Don't start." She warns taking a bag from him and leading us back towards Emmett's Jeep. I do not want him in Ruby. Silent but deadly is usually the term to describe farts is the only way to describe this car ride.
Eddie boy's thoughts are so ducking loud too and so fucking morbid.

"If you don't stop screaming that shit In your head I'm taking her to the Rez and you won't see her ever again." I snap Turing to face him when I pull up at a stop light. "Think happy thoughts fucker." He glares at me a little and then nods. "See easy." I tell Bella who just smiles a little.


"So what we can't see how far along she is?" Jasper asks while we sit around his office. Bella is in the living room with Andrew and Bree. The baby's are babysitting.

"No and seeing how noticeable it is that she's pregnant after 18 days it's easy to see this pregnancy will go much faster than a human one." Carlisle says all mellow and sad.

"Take it out out of her."

"You can't make that decision for her." I tell Eddie. "Especially you actually seeing as your decisions have the worst consequences."

"It'll kill her."

"We don't know that for sure." Rosalie says.

"I can't even see her future anymore." Alice argues standing.

"Wouldn't be the first time." I snap. "You can't even see her with the pack it's probably like that."

"Or it kills her." She yells standing.

"I'm gonna kill you." I threaten and Jasper and Emmett get between us.

"Ok girls let's just discuss this rationally." Carlisle says trying to mediate. "Fighting isn't good for the situation." Emmett wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to sit with him.

"Neither is wasting time take it out of her." Edward snarls. "We're wasting time."

"You can't do that without her consent." I say changing the word so maybe he'll understand. "She has the right to a choice."

"She's making the wrong one."

"Then that's on her. But it's hers, not yours."

"I'm her husband."

"So what you own her?" I ask and Emmett's arm tightens around me, like he was preparing to hold me back. "She marries you and loses all her bodily rights to you?"

"No but I should get an opinion."

"And you have but since it's not what she comfortable with doing there's nothing else you can do." Rosalie says.

"The only other thing you can do is give her all the information we have, the predictions we have on the pregnancy and let her make an informed decision." Calvin adds. "After that it's out of our hands."

"Her minds already made." Egghead argues.

"Then all we can do is help her through it."

"No no she's too emotional to make this decision rationally." Good gods he just sucks. "Emotions shouldn't have a place in big decisions."

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