New Treaty

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If the first plane ride was bad imagine this one. I swear if Bella was not at risk here I would crash this plane just to take Edwin's moody sappy sorry ass out of existence.

"God he won't shut up." I mutter while sketching on one of the napkins they gave me.

"Tell me about it." Bella says back rolling her eyes. "I just wanna go home already."

"Too bad there's another hour on this flight." I tell her and show her my napkin.

"That's dope." She says taking it from me and looking at it. "I should get it done."

"I'll even give you a discount. Speaking of Kit wants to know if you're coming back soon."

"Maybe I was thinking of second holes." She says pulling at her lobes. "What do you think?"

"I think you should sleep with him." I say smirking as Edward shifts in his seat as she laughs.

"No maybe Lani though."

"Ah she's with Vega sadly."

"Shame man."

"So gay of you Isabella."


Finally landing was a magical experience at this point. I ignore the looks I get wearing the Voltori cloak, because bitches just mad they could never. I see the rest of the Cullen coven waiting and roll my eyes.

"Ew." Bella mutters and we walk right past them towards the parking lot where I left Ruby. "I want a burger."

"To the diner or at home?"

"Emily's?" She asks and I nod pulling out my phone to request just that.

"Hello beautiful." I say when we make it to my car. "How I've missed you darling."

"You're so weird."

"Suck my dick." I tell her flipping her off. "Alright in we go." I say opening the car. "Smell that, smells like finally free or our exes." I turn on the music and start the drive towards the Rez.

"Are you gonna get back with Emmett?" She ask as we I speed through the street.

"What the fuck?"

"It's just vampires mate for life." She mumbles. "And well you are mates and you know."

"I don't know." I say after a while. "I want to say no but so many things remain unseen. Are you gonna get back with Edward?"

"I don't think I've ever heard you say his actual name." She says laughing. "Oh Emily says we need to pick some stuff up the grocery store if we want burgers."

"Alright." I say reaching into the top of my boot. "I took Alice's wallet."

"Nice." She turns up the radio and I speed up a bit, gotta go turbo baby. Eventually we pull into the grocery store and get out the car.

"God I'm tired." I say grabbing a cart as Bella took over looking for items off the list. "I miss sleep. And chocolate and food."

"You should feed soon by the way." She says grabbing lettuce. "Eyes are getting dark red."

"It's the fluorescents Bella."

"You're so not funny." She mumbles.

"Am too, so you never answered my question."

"I don't know." She says shrugging as we make our way towards the checkout. "I want to say no, but like it's complicated."

"Emotions they suck." I say and she laughs. "Anyway let's go." I say grabbing the bags and going back to the car.

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