Bigger than Vampires?

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"Are you out of your mind?" Bella's asks Edward who looks shocked that she's upset. "You think I'm just gonna move because you say so?"

"Well once we tell people you died." He starts and she raises her eyebrows at him, I hold my hand out to Calvin who slaps a hundred bucks into it.

"I'm going to take Carlie and go see my dad and you are gonna practice your apology for when I get back." She tells him calmly. "You coming Cel?"

"Yea come on Achilles let's go see grandpa, you too Paul." Achilles gets up and follows us out to the Jeep. I was so not putting a car seat in Ruby she's too badass for that. "So divorce time?" I ask once I start driving, I can feel her anger, and I'm not even using Jasper's gift. Paul snorts. I get a text and open it (don't text and drive unless you're a vampire) it's Jasper saying him and Emmett are gonna be in the forest behind the house in case something goes wrong.

"I just don't get why he would even think that I would even consider it." She says pushing her hair out of her face. "I mean seriously, you didn't have to lie why should I?"

"No clue."

"He's an idiot Bella." Paul says shrugging. "Not to mention he's from the time when men had obedient wives."

"Idiot." She mumbles. I pull over a block from the house. "What?"

"We need to talk about how to do this." I tell her.

"Oh I was gonna tell him we decided to adopt." She tells us and Paul snorts again. "Plus Rosalie gave me these contacts to hide my eyes." I sigh and look back towards Paul and he nods.

"Bella dad knows about vampires."

"What the fuck Celeste?"

"To be fair, I didn't tell him. He just overheard us talking shit when Emmett and them left town." I explain and Bella begins to laugh.

"Jesus Cel." She says after a minute. "Only you. So let's just go, actually Paul will go in first and stink up the house then we'll go in."

"I don't stink." Paul argues.

"Yea you do." Me and Bella reply at the same time.

"Whatever let's just go." He mumbles and I start the car again. I pull into the parking spot and Paul got out and jogged into the house.

"Carlie I know it's funny when you bite your dad and uncle Calvin." I say turning to look back at her. "But you can't bite grandpa ok? He's different from us."

"She doesn't speak Cel I doubt she understands."
Bella tells me.

"She understands. Right Cars?" She asked the baby who just laughed at her. "See she gets it." Emmett and Jasper come up to the car. "I thought you were gonna wait in the forest."

"Then who's gonna watch Carlie while you go see your dad and ease him into this?" Emmett asks me with a smirk. I roll my eyes and push his face away from the window.

"Whatever. Come on Bella let's go see dad." We get out of the car and walk up to the door, Achilles following. "Remember just take it slow."

"Yea I know." I give her a second to shake herself off, she nods and I open the door.

"Dad I come bringing your second greatest achievement." I call out. "And news that might kill you but I know a horrible way to bring you back."

"Not funny Celeste." Bella whispers and I shrug as we walk into the living room.

"Hey dad." I say and jump to sit on the couch Achilles joining me to lay his head in my lap. He stands and stared at Bella as she just stands in the doorway looking uncomfortable.

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