In the Cards

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"Esme wants you to come inside." Emmett says coming to sit next to me on the roof of the house.

"I would rather die." I say simply. "Besides no one wants that outcome I promise."

"I mean what's the worst that can happen?"

"I kill her." I deadpan. "Admittedly that's only bad for her."

"Has she always been this bad?"

"Pretty much, she got worse when I came out." I say leaning back on my hands. "But she was always you know not there but somehow thought she was better than dad and just so ugh." He doesn't say anything just nods. "You know when I was younger I used to let her get to me so I would try to change to make her happier but she never was."

"Go on."

"And it's like why weren't we good enough for her to care about?" I sigh before I lay completely back on the roof. "Like I'm supposed to sit down there and act like I didn't hate myself for years because of her? Or like I didn't only learn to cook so we wouldn't starve?" I look up at the stars for while. "I just wanted a mom sometimes." We sit in silence for a little bit.

"You never said anything about being infertile." He says after a little.

"Yea it was a combination from doing coke and the car crash." I kinda wish I could have a joint. "By then I didn't want kids anyway so it didn't matter to me."

"You wanted kids at some point?"

"Just a little. You know just like oh a forever companion, but then you have to take care of them and I'm not meant for that." I shrug a little. "It wasn't in my cards."


"I'm just saying if anything I don't go to this stupid lunch dinner thing and then you come home change and we go to the club." I say to Bella while I work on her hair and Viv works on her makeup. "Win win for everyone."

"You're coming to this dinner."

"I don't even eat!"

"Irrelevant." I groan and she just giggles. "Besides everyone else will be there."

"Yes drinking and making me wish I still could."

"I can't drink." Vivian reminds me patting her belly.

"So we'll be in hell together." I deadpan. "Plus the guys won't be there either, they get to just show up at the club."

"I still can't believe half of them agreed to come." Bella mumbles. "I get Conner and some of the pack but Kit and Sam?"

"Everyone likes to party Bella."

"Besides strip clubs bring everyone together." Vivian says smiling. "And my work is done."

"Do you think Edwards going to a strip club?" Vivian and I look at each other before we burst out laughing.
"I'm serious."

"We know." I say still laughing. "Bella he thinks 99.999% of women are airheaded whores."

"Besides he barley got you I can't imagine him doing anything but making the strippers uncomfortable." Viv says. "So today we party, tomorrow you get married and then you get off my bladder."

"Don't be mean to my bean." I tell her. "If he's comfortable let him be."

"You only say that cause you don't have to pee every 5 minutes and you can still see your feet."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now