Deep Talks

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Everyone is being weird. And not like the world is ending or we're doomed to die weird, but hiding secrets weird. Even Ray was acting off. And apparently I'm the only one with a brain because I'm the only one who's noticed. The only people acting remotely normal are Seth and Bree and they're too busy sneaking around and kissing to conspire with me. Even my dad!

"Hey babe." Emmett says as he comes into the house and kisses my forehead. "How was work?"

"What are you hiding from me?"

"Nothing." He responds way too fucking fast.


"You sound like Andrew." I sigh and lean back on the couch. At least I'll always have Achilles. "Babe I'm not hiding anything from you."

"Then why's everyone being so weird?"

"Because we're all about to die again." I roll my eyes and he comes to lay with me on the couch. "Babe just trust me okay. Nothing is happening that you don't know about."

"Yea okay." I sigh and put my had into his hair. "You're like a giant cat." I joke as he nuzzles into said hand.

"Actually I'm a bear."

"No Pauly is a bear." I remind him and then check my phone. "Speaking of, I got Christmas shopping plans." I poke at his shoulders until he stands. "Later babe."



"You're in my shirt." I look down at myself and hes right. I don't even have shoes on, I groan and go upstairs to finish getting ready. "Love you."

"Yea yea put it in writing." I call back and he laughs. "I love you too loser."

"I know."


"Am I being a paranoid freak?" I ask Paul while we pick out clothes for Marco's gift.

"Always." He responds automatically. "But you know it could just be we're going to war anxiety."

"You sound like Emmett." I sigh.

"I knew it. I am your dream man." I roll my eyes at his back. "Speaking of, where's your loyalty lie when it comes to me and Conner." I glance over at him but he's just browsing through shirts.

"I guess if it really came down to it, I'd be loyal to you. But also it depends on the situation."

"Explain." I look over again and still his face shows nothing.

"Like if you cheated on him or pulled a Sam I'd pick him. Like we'd still be besties but I'd totally whoop your ass."

"And if we just broke up?" I look over again and he just keeps looking at the clothes.

"Well if it's mutual and not because of some horrid act, would I really have to pick?"

"I guess not, but let's say I'm super sad and he's super sad and we both call you for comfort at the same time."

"I'll go to you." I say. "You were here first and you're my Pauly bear. Almost no one comes before you."

"Does Emmett?"

"Paul, I don't have the facilities you're into." I say and he laughs. "But I think it's Dad, Bella, you and Emmett tie for third."

"Well now I need the whole list." I snort. "That's really unattractive."

"See that's why Emmett is my dream man, he likes my unattractive laughing."

"Even the witch cackle?"

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now