A Patriot with Horrible Taste

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"I just saw Irina." Bella tells me coming into my house. "And then she ran off without saying anything."

"Well from the smell of it you were with Seth so, my guess is she's still pissy about her little friend." I tell her. "Also you better go get the mop because you're dragging water into my house." I love the snow but the mess it makes? Gag.

"Yea yea. You think she'll come around again?"

"I hope not."


"I miss pernil." Andrew says suddenly because we were just lounging together, with some holiday movies playing. "And tamales, this vampire shit sucks."

"I know and for all your family's issues man they could fucking cook."

"I know. Remember Tia Eseldas beef stew?" I groan remembering all their cooking. "Wanna go catch a bear or something?"

"Yea let's go." We head out and over to the Cullens to see if Emmett and Bree wanna come with us. We walk in to see everyone staring and watch Carlie play Bella's lullaby with Egghead. "This feels cultish." I whisper to Jasper who shakes his head.

"Aunt Cel!" Carlie yells stopping her playing abruptly before she runs over so I can lift. "Hi uncle Andy!" Everything she says has exclamation points at the end. I swear.

"Sup brat."

"Don't call her that Andrew." I tell him smushing our cheeks together. "She's a precious angel who can do no wrong."

"What if she didn't like your car?" Jasper asks with a smirk.

"There is one thing she can do wrong." I lift her slightly away from me. "But you love ruby right?"

"Love her so much!" Carlie confirms with a nod.

"There she can do no wrong, unless she chooses to be more of an Edmund." I say glaring at him. Just because he gave me a niece and is a good parent doesn't mean I have to like or respect him. "And you won't right?" Carlie nods again. "See? Perfect."

"You know aunt Cel knows how to play the guitar." Egbert tells Carlie knowing I told Bella not to tell her. What can I say? She's on a learning kick and I hate teaching.

"So can uncle yeehaw." I tell her seeing the way her eyes got all big. "In fact he plays it better." Only because he's been playing since before my grandma was born.

"Uncle Jasper show me please?" He nods and I smile. See just like that.

We all settle down to watch them play together for a while. Until Alice walks out and then back in and drops a bomb. Well actually she dropped a vase but metaphorically speaking a bomb might be easier on my soul.

"The Voltori are coming for us."

Fucking hell man.


"Cel we need you to come to the Rez now!" Paul whisper shouts into the phone.

"Coming." I groan and slide on a pair of shoes can't even wait for my second death in peace I swear. I run over to the Rez only to be greeted with the sight of Alice and Jasper standing toe to toes with several wolfs and two humans, or Sam and Paul. "What's going on?"

"We need to get through." Alice tells me and Jasper isn't even looking at me.

"You're leaving aren't you?"

"It's necessary."

"Okay." I reply refusing to be sad about Jasper just leaving. "Let them go." Sam nods and motions for them to follow the rest of the pack surrounded them as they walked.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now