The Last Christmas

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Christmas has always been one of my favorite times, mostly for food which is something I can't have anymore, but my favorite time either way

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Christmas has always been one of my favorite times, mostly for food which is something I can't have anymore, but my favorite time either way. My dad had spent yesterday decorating with Carlie, Bree, Seth, Colin, Brady, Billy, and Jacob, while Leah, Alex, and me prepped the stuff for all the desserts. Because The rest of the pack were under Sue, and Emily's command prepping the food food. And now I'm sitting on my dad's roof, watching the sunrise on Christmas morning a few days before we're going to war. Bella comes and sits next to me before laying her head on my shoulder.

"You learned how to amplify your mental shield too right?" She asks me quietly.

"I did, although I learned from Zafrina instead of Kate." She nods against my shoulder. "Why?"

"Because I can't hide things from you and Edward and Aro can't know." She hands me a pack of papers. Inside are passports for Seth, Bree, and Carlie. "Colin and Brady are Sam's so I didn't get them papers."

"Thank you." Before I can ask about Andrew she cuts me off.

"Andrew won't leave." She hands me a notes. It's from Alice, it tells her what to do, and that Andrew won't leave and it says to me specifically that's she's sorry.
"He loves you."

"Sometimes I think it would've been better if I never met Addison." I say while I look at the passports.

"You didn't ruin him."

"I think I did." I sigh and lean back. "I think I ruined their lives and my own falling in love with her."

"You didn't ruin anything. If anything it was me."

"You know what? You are totally right, this is your fault because you have bad taste in men."

"I got it from dad."

"Dad has bad taste in women not men." I correct. "But yes you get the half of dads taste that chose Renee I got the half that chose Billy."

"Fair enough." She says with a laugh. "What'd you get Carlie?"

"I took her to get her ears pierced."

"You daughter of a cunt."

"What? Edwin said she wasn't allowed to when you weren't there to rebut so I did." She laughs and I shrug. "Besides she looks more like you now."

"That is true."

"Shame honestly it makes her ugly like you too." I saying laughing watching her face morph into shock. "What? I'm being honest Bella you're the ugly twin."

"Fuck you bitch." She says laughing as she shoves me.

"Oh you wanna fight?" I ask and shove her back. "Cause we can fight."

"No you can't." We turn to look down at where Emmett and Calvin were standing carting loads of gifts we had spent yesterday wrapping. "Now come down, the human way." Emmett continues. "Edward's coming with Rose and Carlie soon."

"Fine." I groan and move to slide down the roof like a human would. "Can you believe he's the one telling me not to fight?" I ask Bella and Calvin.

"Yea I can. You've been domesticated."

"Says the stay at home mom." I retort and then open the door to the house where chaos has unleashed. "Merry Christmas ya filthy animals."

"Hey I bathe quite frequently thank you very much." Jared rebuts as him and Sam come to help take the gifts to organize under the tree. "I don't know about Sargent Sam over there, kidding. Kim's with Alex and Leah in the kitchen."

"Okay." I nod and move towards the kitchen. "Hello beautiful ladies."

"Oh here's your first gift." Leah says before she spins me and I see Rebecca.

"BABY!" She yells as I smack into her, gently, she's human after all. "Merry Christmas!" I so need to learn to start paying more attention, I mean I'm a vampire and still didn't know she was here.

"Oh Merry Christmas my love." I say kissing her cheeks. "Best gift ever!"

"I got you a dog last year!" Dad calls out from upstairs.

"Ok second best gift ever." I concede looking over to where Achilles was begging for bacon. "Achilles stop begging, it's unbecoming."

"He's just a baby." Rachel coos as she bends down to smush his face. "And a very good baby."

"Yea yea my precious son."

"First son." Emmett corrects. "Then Bree, then Andy."

"I'm not her son." Andrew argues and then looks back at Bree who just shrugs. "Whatever."

"All that teen angst." I mutter and he flips me off. "Okay let's get this show on the road. If you're gonna eat food come on now!" I yell out causing several glares to be shot my way, which only makes me smile, I love upsetting people.


"Gift time!!!" Seth and Leah cheer out once the plates have been put into the sink. "Let's go!!"

"Children." Alex mutters like she isn't just as excited. "Marco first!"

"He can't even open his own gifts." Jared argues and I reach over and slap him. "Fine Marco and Carlie first."
He grumbles and we begin passing around gifts.


"Hey Cel?" Rebecca asks as she helps me take out some of the bags of wrapping paper out.


"What's going on that has everyone so on edge?"

"I have no fucking clue." I reply, which is only half true because I really don't know what else everyone is hiding. "Who cares anyway, let's just keep living."

"You always have been a wild one." She says with a laugh and I smile at her. "I mean seriously it's 20 degrees outside mid winter and you're not even wearing pants."

"What can I say? Pants are for losers." I joke back. "Besides I'm wearing pantyhose."

"Or pants are just for normal people."

"More like boring." I smile a little as I watch the snow fall, even though it's sticking and I know that means we're going to war soon. "Besides you only live once and I refuse to dress boring for that."

"Fair enough. Now let's go inside I'm freezing." I laugh again and follow her back into the house, which was now considerably emptier, now that Conner, Alex, Vivian, Logan, and Marco had gone to see their families.

I walked over and curl into Emmett's lap and smiled as we watched Carlie play trouble with Colin, Seth, and Brady. Happily for now, I hate this fucking trope. But whatever I'm going to enjoy whatever time I have left on this damn planet.

Short chapter because it's just a filler
Sorry it took forever I'm a very bad time keeper.
Love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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