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⚠️trigger warning - drug use and talk of suicide⚠️

I hated this, whatever it was. Sitting on a plane back to my own personal hell, Arizona. The heat the memories and worst of all my mother. Carlisle had called us and told us Bella somehow landed herself in the hospital in Phoenix and was all broken and banged up. So here we are on a plane to go see her, sadly coming from the east my mother was also on her way to see Bella.

And Bella in the hospital again. This time so much worse than the last time. My leg wouldn't stop shaking and I was biting my nails a habit I had dropped a while ago.


We walked into the hospital, the best hospital in Phoenix apparently, not in my opinion but whatever. I hate this fucking hospital, with everything in me. I saw Alice and Carlisle standing outside a room in a little group. My dad went up to Carlisle and spoke to him for a few minutes before going inside the room, meanwhile the two Cullens came towards me.

"Where's your son?" I ask Carlisle, somehow this was all his fault.

"He's in Bella's room." I sigh. "She has a broken leg and cuts from glass. She's supposed to be out for about a week."

"What happened and not whatever story you told my dad, what really happened?" I asked them.

"We shouldn't discuss it here." Carlisle says.

"You're mom will be here in 10 minutes." Alice says.

"Fucking hell." I mutter. "I'll be back in 8." I tell them and head towards my sisters room. Where my dad stands by a sleeping or knocked out Bella's bed and Edward "sleeps" in the chair.

"Moms coming soon." I tell my dad. I look over Bella's body her leg was in a cast and she had small cuts everywhere. Bella what have you gotten into this time?

"You gonna be here when she gets here?" Dad asks as he continues to rub Bella's hand.

"Sadly, I won't leave Bella here." I tell him and brush the hair out of her face. "Hopefully Alice can run interference for me."

"Maybe you should you know go visit some old friends since it seems we'll be here for a while." He looks at me. "Or maybe you know."

"You can say cemetery dad." He nods. "Maybe. Avoid mom at all costs." He laughs a little at that.

"Is this my fault?" He asks me.

"No dad, I promise she didn't mean a thing she said." I wave a hand over Bella's body. "If anything this is just her lack of coordination showing itself in the worse way possible."

"She is a little clumsy isn't she?" I nod and laugh a little.

"Little is being nice, she's a walking hazard." I tell him and laugh a little more, and then more and suddenly I was crying. "Fucking dumbass shouldn't have left alone."

"Shhh she's okay." My dad says as he comes over and hugs me. "She's gonna be fine."

"Oh Bella." I hear as Renee walks into the room. She goes and stands next to Bella. I sigh and let go of my dad.

"I'll be in car." I tell my dad, he nods and I walk back out the room and out the hospital to the shitty car we rented one thing for sure I miss Ruby. I sit in the drivers seat and put my head on the steering wheel.

"She'll be fine." I turn to see Alice sitting in the passenger seat.

"What happened to her?"

"A group of human drinking vampires came to the baseball game." I sighed again, fucking hell. "One was a tracker, he caught Bella's sent and since Edward reacted to protect her, he wanted her more."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now