Shut Up Edgar

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"And you're going to go save them?" Dad asks looking lost.

"Not that I'm proud of it." I mumble, because I'm not. But I think I'd go insane if someone who could save Bella didn't, so fair enough. "We'll be back in three days and I'll protect Bella with my life."

"And you're life?" Dad asks.

"I got her chief." Calvin says, I let him stay while me and Bella get ready but Alice had to go. Pissed me off to much.

"I've heard that before." He says glaring at him. "Okay I trust you. Just please be careful." He says looking at me.

"We will be." I say smiling hoping I'm right.

"Alright fine." He says hugging me as Bella comes downstairs. "Make sure to punch them for me."

"Of course I will." I say winking and he goes to hug Bella.

"Anything happens to them, I'll send the wolves after you." He says pointing at Calvin who nods seriously. "Okay go." We leave the house and before we get into Ruby I tap Calvin.

"Charlie doesn't know anything he thinks I'm taking Bella on a girls trip." I say watching as his pupils dilate. I wave off Bella's look and get into the car and drive towards the airport.


"Hey did you ever actually get to finish those bikes with Jake?" I ask Bella while we sit on this horrible flight

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"Hey did you ever actually get to finish those bikes with Jake?" I ask Bella while we sit on this horrible flight. Calvin was sitting next to me, Alice was about two rows back. For her protection of course.

"Yea we rode them once before I fell off mine." She says smiling. "But it's great and I get why you loved working on Ruby so much."

"That's great I'm glad you like it." I tell her. "Now sleep, something tells me you'll need it." She nods and snuggles down onto my shoulder. "So who exactly are we going to see?"

"The Voltori are the law." Calvin says. "A large and powerful family. Older than any other vampires." He says looking out the window.

"Okay so what does that have to do with the suicide squad?"

"They have the power to kill anyone with fear of retaliation. And if it should come to it, they'd kill them for telling you two what we are." He says. "Aro will try to convince them to become part of the guard before death."

"Double death actually." I say smiling. "Thanks for the gifts by the way."

"Anytime kiddo." He says smiling. "I see you especially like the shoes."

"What can I say they fit. So Aro and who else?"

"Caius. Marcus. The three kings." He says pulling out a pen to write on a napkin. "The main guard, Jane and Alec, I like to call them the demon twins. Then Felix and Demetri."

"Demon twins, powers then?" He nods.

"Jane can cause excruciating pain to any and all. It's like the burning of being turned only worse. Alec can turn off your senses in some weird way. Complete blackness it's almost painful." I'm so gonna copy Janes, might even use it on Edward, ha.
"Demetri, is a tracker, Aro's own personal gps to whatever poor soul they're looking for, and Feliex is Emmett with Jasper's skills in combat."

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