September 14, 2006

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"Jesus fuck your eyes are freaky as fuck." Paul says as he walks towards Bella who's coming back from her first hunt.

"God they're right. You really do stink Paul." She says after taking in a sniff. "Like it's nasty."

"Yea your stench isn't much better." He jokes and she laughs. "So take another whiff we want to make sure you don't eat Carlie."

"That's not funny." Bella says and Paul just raises a eyebrow. "Okay it's a little funny." She relents and moves to sniff Paul. "Wet dog."

"Walking corpse." Paul replies. "So shall we go meet her?" Bella nods and the tow walk into the house with Edward following. Emmett turned around with a grin while he held Carlie. Carlie looked towards Bella and smiled at her mother. Bella immediately took the baby from him.

"I was out two days?" She asked shocked.

"Her growth is unprecedented." Carlisle says and she nods looking down at Carlie who smiles again before lifting a hand to touch Bella's face.

"What was that?"

"Her first memory of you." Edward says.


"How do I read minds? Alice see the future? She's gifted." Bella smiled as Carlie lifted her hand again.
"Where's Celeste?" Bella asks while looking around for her sister, after Carlie showed Bella her the only brief memory she had of her aunt.

"She left that night." Emmett said after a moment of silence. "We didn't think you'd make it."

"And you just let her leave?" Bella turned on Emmett anger evident on her face. Jasper immediately tried to calm her down.

"You ever try stopping her from doing something?" Paul asked trying to take the heat off of Emmett. "She'll be back she just needs some space."

"Has anyone called her to tell her I woke up?"

"She left her phone here. And we don't know where she went." Rosalie tells her.

"Actually I think I know where she is." Andrew spoke up. "Or where she will be soon."


"Arizona. It's your birthday today which means tomorrow is."

"The fourteenth." Bella finished and Andrew nodded. "Are you going?"

"He is. And Celeste will come back with him." Alice said having seen it in a vision. "He's the only one going." She said pinning Emmett with a look. "That's the only way she comes back."


Andrew walked through the blistering heat of Phoenix unable to feel it, which was a good thing considering he was wearing a hoodie to cover his skin. It wasn't even his, it was Emmett's, the older vampire insisting he wear it to make sure his skin stayed covered, in miles of extra fabric. He smiled to himself thinking he probably looked insane to anywho who saw him.

He'd arrived in Phoenix at the ass crack of dawn and left his Camaro parked in front of Celeste's childhood home. He'd smelled her there but she'd left seeing as the house was empty. He'd taken the long way to the cemetery, mostly backroads where there would be less people. Andrew smiled a sad smile when he saw Celeste she was in clothes that definitely weren't hers, he's 99 percent sure they're Bella's. She was sitting under the large willow tree that sat a few rows in front of his sisters grave, just like last year.

"Fancy meeting you here." He said moving to sit next to her. "Come here often?"

"That's not your sweater." She muttered as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "You're mom was here a little while ago."

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