First of All

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"I don't think you're safe for Bella." Edward says as he appears while I'm draining a deer. Sorry Bambi.

"I think I should drag you back to Aro myself." I say once I'm done feeding. "Get away from me."

"I just want you to hear me out."

"No you don't get that." I say turning to face him. "You don't get to apologize and get what you want not that you have apologized. And you certainly don't get to come here and say you think I'm bad for Bella like you aren't the biggest hazard in her life."

"Okay fine that what you think but what about what Bella wants?"

"News flash it's not you."

"And how would you know?"

"Because she told me." I said getting in his face. I'm real tired of him right now and always. "Now get out of my face before I finally get to test out the limits of my new body."

"How about we don't." Calvin asks as him Emmett and our own local cowboy showed up. "Let's not fight, how about we just grab a bite and hang out."

"Maybe after I rip his head off and shove it so far up his ass it comes back out his neck." I said stepping closer to Edward. "Maybe I'll use as a Halloween decoration, you'll be useful for once."

"Can you like control her?" He asks looking at Emmett. Excuse the fuck out of me.

"I'm good." Smart man, for once. But ooo Eddie boy wants to play.

"Okay so let's just not okay." Calvin says stepping in front of me. "We all know she'll win this fight and I for one do not want to hear your whining."

"Seriously let's just go." Jasper says to Edward as he pulls him back. "Now."

"No she wants a fight."

"Oh please hit me I want to see you do it." I say smiling. Ooo baby try me. "Come on let's see if you have the balls."

"He in fact does not." Calvin says smiling like this is all fucking sunshine and rainbows. "So now that that's all settled, let's move along alright?"

"Besides it's not like Edward's worth your time Celeste." Jasper says trying to appease me into leaving, smart cowboy.

"No because you're making choices you know nothing about making!" Edward says sidestepping Jasper. "How can you just agree to take her soul?"

"Because unlike you when I say I can't live without her I mean it." I snap. "And I trust he ability to make choices. Anddd even if I didn't, you put her on the Voltori's radar."

"So you're blaming me?"

"Well I don't see any other ugly wanna be emo boys around." What a fucking idiot my god. "Please get out of my face and leave Bella alone."

"And what about when she does want to see me again?"

"Here's a fucking idea wait until she fucking says that."

"Will you even let her?"

"Obviously I know she can make choices for herself she's a adult."

"Only as much as you are." Edward says scoffing and god I don't what about it made me snap but I launched myself at him. Emmett grabbed me out of the air to keep Edgar alive.

"Okay let's just go Edward." Jasper says while Emmett and Calvin fight to keep me off their bastard.

"I'll fucking kill you." I yell struggling against them, how fucking annoying. "Let me go."

"No can do buttercup." Calvin says smiling like I'm not going to find Edward at some point in time. Jasper finally gets him to leave. "See problems all gone."

"Then let go of me."

"You know what I will." Calvin says smiling and then disappears leaving me with Emmett.

"I'm not attacking anyone right now." I say and he lets me go. "Just kidding." I say and run to go find and murder Edgar. I can hear Emmett trying to keep up with me but he can't soooo ha bitch. I catch up to the other three and once again launch myself at Edward and this time I got his ass.

"Fuck!" He yells once I punch him. The sound was satisfying in ways no man could ever be. I get up and throw him into a tree binging it down before going at him again. I choke slam him into the ground and keep pushing watching as cracks appear in his face

"Let me make myself so fucking clear even your small brain understands me. Unless my sister calls for you, or approaches you first do not get within 10 feet of her. Alice too. All that space you put there when you left? Leave it there." I pick him up just to slam him down again. "And don't you ever give your two cents where they aren't needed. Because I'm not the danger to her. Got it?"

"He uh can't talk." Jasper points out.

"Maybe I should keep him like this then." I say glaring down at him. I let him up. "Understand?"

"Yes." He bites out glaring at me.

"Then get out of my face." He glares for another minute and then disappears. "Well then good bye." I say and run home.

"You're late." Bella says when I enter the house.

"Blame Eggward." I tell her going to wash my hands to help her cook. "Mother fucker started a fight with me while I was hunting."

"No he didn't."

"He in fact and did." I tell grabbing the knife from her. "Said I'm bad for and a danger."

"Let's go." She says walking out the house, Achilles follows her considering she left the door open.

"Where are we going?" I ask following her and closing the door, I see her and Achilles sitting in Ruby the keys in the ignition. When the fuck did she take those. "Okay want to tell me where I'm taking you?" I ask pulling out of the driveway.

"Where else?" She ask angrily. "Son of a bitch."

"Down girl. I'm going I'm going." I say speeding up as I drive. "I don't think it's that big of a deal but I guess."

"No because who gave him the right to talk about my safety like he gives a fuck." She says and I pull into the Cullens driveway. God damn I drive fast. The second the car stops Bella's out the door and walking towards the door.

"Come on Achilles." I say sighing and getting out of the car. So much drama. I follow Bella into the house with Achilles at my feet.

"Who do you think you are?" Bella yells at Edward who looks up at her in shock. "Are you deaf huh? Answer me." I smirk watching as Edward goes through about 8 stages of shock and then see Achilles go towards Emmett who's sitting on the couch before laying at his feet.

"Traitor." I mutter looking back as Edward stands up.

"The fuck you standing up for?" Bella asks looking at Edward her face all angry. "Answer the question, who do you think you are to attack my sister?"

"She's the one who attacked me." Edward defends himself a little too aggressively because Achilles gets up and starts growling at him.

"Achilles heel." I say and he stops growling but doesn't lay back down.

"Did you name him purely for the pun of that?" Calvin asks looking at me.

"Obviously." I tell him.

"First of all, watch your tone." Bella says poking Edwards bird chest. "Second of all, you deserve whatever beating she gave you considering you put yourself in business that's not yours."

"I was just concerned."

"Well unconcern yourself." She snaps. "I'm not your concern not since September. So fuck off."

"It is my concern if she wants to turn you!"

"No it's not." The two of us say at the same time.

"Now kindly fuck off." Bella says. "And stay away." She turns and grabs my arm dragging me out the house. Achilles automatically follows and we get back into the car. "Makes me want to fight him."

"Leave that to me." I tell her and she sighs as I sart the drive back home.



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