Wedding Bella

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"My head is pounding." Bella mumbles while I moisturize her face. "Does the light have to be on?"

"Yes." I tell her getting ready to do her makeup. "Are you ready for the second most important day of your life?"

"Second?" She asks.

"The day you wake up a vampire will take number one." Alex says walking into the room Vivian following. "How do I know that and you don't?"

"Magic." Bella groans. "How are you not hungover?"

"Magic juice. Here." She handed Bella a hangover cocktail curtesy of Emily and her magic hands. "Drink and get ready to get married."

"You nervous?" Vivian asks taking a seat and rubbing her stomach.

"A little." Bella admits.

"Say the word and we have a get away car." Alex whispers leaning closer to Bella. "Take the liquor and run."

"No no I wanna marry him." Bella objects and I snort. "It's just a lot of fanfare."

"Well it's a once in a lifetime thing."

"Not in this family." I joke. "Apparently Rosalie and Calvin have had 3 weddings so far."

"Holy shit." Vivian mutters. "And here I think having one is selfish."

"Speaking of when is yours happening?" Bella asks her turning airway from me, like I'm not doing her makeup, bitch.

"When he proposes."

"Ah so that's the next task." Alex says nodding. "Then Emmett and Celeste."

"Or you and Leah." I counter and she looks at me. "Paul and Conner it is." She nods at me and Bella laughs. "Hush you."

"Would marriage be so bad?" She asks me. "I mean you love him."

"This is so not a topic in a house where everyone has supernatural hearing." I mutter. "Put a pin in it till after the honeymoon."

"Speaking of, a gift from me." Alex says handing Bella a box of condoms. "Wrap it up." Bella blushes bright red making us cackle.

"Are you all decent?" Calvin ask from the other side of the door.

"Mentally?" Alex replies and he fake laughs opening the door.

"So I came to tell you something, but I need you to promise not to kill anyone." He says looking at me.

"I make no promises to men speak." He makes a show a sighing.

"Ok so remember our cousins?" He asks and I nod. "Okay well uh here." He hands me a paper.

Tanya and Emmett used to hook up. Not in the last like 5 years but you know. I thought you should know.

"Ok." I say handing the letter to Alex who holds out her hand. The three of them read it.

"Ok?" He looks over to Alex who shrugs.

"Mmm." I will put that bitches head through a wall. "How's the getting ready on your end going?"

"It's going. So all good?"

"Yup." I nod and he nods back.

"Okay I'll leave you guys to it." He looks at me for a second before leaving.

"I wanna see this bitch." Alex mutters moving to brush Bella's hair.

"She either looks exactly like Cel or completely different." Vivian says standing to plug in the curler. "In a bad way obviously."

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