Training Arc?

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"So you guys aren't back together?" Angie asks confused as we sit scattered around the living room, in pajamas of course. It's a girls night.

"No, it a process." I tell her.

"She means she has a begging kink." Leah says grinning as she eats cookies.

"Leah." Dad says groaning. "Please we've spoken about this."

"Speaking of I think Bella needs the talk." I say looking back at dad. "Her and Eggplant seem to be getting cozier."

"Uh that's uh. Well I guess." Dad says before heading upstairs only for us to dissolve into giggles.

"Poor Charlie." Alex says leaning back on Leah.

"Poor Bella." Vivian says. "If you're a girl I promise not to subject you to your fathers sex talk." She says patting her stomach.

"Aww." Angie coos pinching Viv's cheek. "How cute."

"I'm here." Bella says coming into the house.

"And we're queer, cookie?" Alex offers the plate and Bella takes one.

"Bad joke." Bella says. "Hey dad." She greets as he comes down the stairs.

"Bells." He says slumping into the kitchen and Bella follows.

"I wanna record this." I whisper and go upstairs only using my speed when out of Angie's sight. Going back downstairs with the camera.

"You don't want to have to get married because you weren't you know careful." Dads says not even looking at Bella.


"Look you know what I'm talking about." Dad sighs. "There's things you need to think about if you're gonna be... physically intimate." This man is physically cringing.

"Okay, don't have 'the talk' with me, please."

"Well, it's just as embarrassing for me as it is for you." Dad says holding up a hand.

"I doubt that. And don't bother cause mom beat you to it like 10 years ago."

"Well, you didn't have a boyfriend 10 years ago."

"I'm sure things work the same way."

"Alright so you guys are.. taking precautions and."

"Okay dad please, just don't worry about that. Edward is old school." That's one way to Put it.

"Great what is that code for something."

"Oh my god, dad, I'm a virgin." Bella says.

"Ahh okay. Glad we covered that." He says turning around.

"Me too." She yells running past me into the living room.

"Liking Edward a little more now." Dad mumbles and I laugh. "You're horrible." He says to me without turning around.


You know those stupid cliche montages in school where the younger sister wears her older sister after creating a mess in said older sisters room? Yea that's currently my life right now as Bella gets dressed for her graduation.

"You better clean this all up." I tell her as she continues tossing my closures everywhere. "Seriously dude."

"Whatever." She mumbles picking something and leaving my room.

"Don't act like I didn't hear you sneak out last night." I yell at her.

"You heard shit." She yells back and I sigh.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now