Girls and Gays

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"Any plans for today?" I ask Bella as we sit at the table for breakfast.

"I have a job interview." She mutters.

"Oh yea, where?"

"The uh sports store, Mike's dad like owns it so yea."

"Oh fun. Speaking of how are Mike and Jess?" Do I care no? Is it good to make her speak? Yes. "And how's Angie?"

"They're you know good."

"Actually Bella I do not in fact know. That's why I asked." I tease her. "Anywho I did a couple of tattoos this week."

"Yea I saw Conner's looks good."

"Thanks Bells." I smile at her. "If you ever want a tramp stamp I am your girl."

"Yea no thanks."

"Boo you whore."

"Don't quote mean girls to me." She says. "I'll see you later, I'm cooking dinner tonight." I watch as she walks out the door.

"Alright be safe, love you." I call after her. I sigh seeing she left me with the dishes like a bitch. Look at her from depressed to treating me like Cinderella.

"I'm entering you house now." Alex calls as she indeed enters my house. "And I come bearing Leah."

"Morning losers." I say looking back from doing the dishes. "Wheres Viv?"

"I'm here!" Viv calls as she burst into my house. "Girls day is now in motion!"

"Yes time for shitty movies and gossip!" Alex cheers as she come and starts pulling things out of my cabinets to bake. "Shame Conner can't come."

"Well he's off with Paul so at least we know he's having fun." Leah says sitting at the table. "Some of us know too much."

"Is sex really all they think about?" Vivian asks as she sits across from Leah.

"Yes." Leah tells her smirking. "Logan has some particularly lewd ones."

"Who the fuck uses the word lewd?" I ask snorting. "Makes you sound old."

"I'm technically the oldest one here."

"That is true old lady head ass."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck me yourself you coward."

"Hey I'm over here baking for you. Because I love you and you try and seduce my girl. How do you sleep at night?" Alex asks hand over heart.

"With your girl. Duh." I tease. "Don't worry I'm not into short girls."

"I'm not that short. We're the same height." Leah argues.

"My point exactly darling."

"Bite me."


"Not in the house please." Dad says as he walks into the kitchen, Leah looks up at me and we start laughing.

"Sorry Charlie we'll be kinky in the lawn next time." Leah says once she's done laughing.

"Don't make me tell your dad."


"Be quiet Leah." Dad says wacking her head with the newspaper. "And don't you laugh at her Celeste."

"I wasn't!"  I defend throwing my hands in the air. "How can you accuse me of doing something like that?"

"Like this." Dad says and whacks me with the paper. "See easy."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now