Is Mans a Vampire?

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"How much do I have to pay you to go to La Push with me?" Bella asked me

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"How much do I have to pay you to go to La Push with me?" Bella asked me. I was leaning against my car, eating candy with Conner. The other two somehow got lunch detention. "Hi Conner." He waves at her.

"Nothing I love it there."

"Thank god I don't want to be alone with everyone." I take it back.

"Who's everyone?"

"Jess Ang and them."

"Never mind not happening."

"Please Celeste please."

"No Bella, I don't have the mental capacity for that."

"But you owe me."

"For what?"

"All those times I had to third wheel you and Addison."

"Addison wasn't annoying or egotistical."

"Please?" I looked at my sister and felt bad. She looked so desperate. But I dont care I dislike her friend group minus Angela. "Jess said she's the best surfer ever." Oh hell no.

"When are we going?"


"Fine Fine, lets just hope I don't accidentally get a concussion or something." Bella just shook her head and walked away. Rude.

"Well I'm gonna see you later, your man is coming over here."

"I'm not even gonna start with you today." I say as he walks away from me. Emmett comes to lean on my car. "Off."

"Oh but Conner can?"

"He asked." He opened his mouth. "No. Joking, how can I help you?"

"Well I came to try again." No. "Will you go on a date with me this weekend?"


"Why not?"

"Because you cancelled on me last time, also I don't date strangers, and we're only classmates."

"You're still on that?"

"On what? The truth?"

"I thought we go over that last night. Look if anything it's Edwards fault." Oh yes blame the ugly one.

"How is it Esmeralda's fault?"

"He's very against bringing you and Bella into this world."

"And yet he super jumps into her room every night, stops vans with his hands and tells her it's the fluorescents." I raise my eyebrow. "That Same Emacipactoin, cares about us being brought into your world? Oh and let's not forget the whole disappearing for a week act." Should've stayed gone.

"Not that that is your fault, I can't blame you for having a creepy brother, I am however blaming you for listening to him."

"He made some good points."

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