Baseball? No Thanks.

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I was sitting in the Cullen house watching Emmett and Calvin play video games, not to interesting if you ask me but whatever

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I was sitting in the Cullen house watching Emmett and Calvin play video games, not to interesting if you ask me but whatever.

"Ha take that!" Emmett said jumping up and dancing around a little. I'll take that as he won the game, Calvin groaned a little and Rosalie laughed a little, I just smiled a little and looked at the clocks.

"I gotta go." I said standing and stretching a bit.

"Boo we didn't even do anything." Emmett said putting down the controller.

"Not my fault you decided to play with Calvin." I tell him. "Besides, it's not like we won't see each other for a week or something, you're just being dramatic."

"He's always like that." Jasper tells me as him and Alice walk into the living room. Emmett scoffs and I laugh, I don't doubt it.

"Anywho, there's a thunderstorm tomorrow." Alice says clapping and the rest of the Cullens let out cheers. "So fancy coming to watch a game of vampire baseball?" She asks me.

"No thanks." I say pulling on my jacket.

"What?" Calvin says standing up like I just killed his dog. "It's amazing."

"I'm good thanks." I tell him. "Besides I already have plans with Alex, Conner and Vivian."

"But vampire baseball."

"No." I say again shaking my head. "Let me know who wins though."

"Bella's coming." Edward tells me as him and Carlisle enter the room as well.

"Bella? And baseball?" I ask and he nods. "Good luck with that." I tell him. "Now I really have to go home."

"Oh Celeste, your dads still at the precinct." Carlisle tells me. "There's been a death."


"Waylon Forge. I'm sorry, I know he was close to your family." I nod a little.

"Well, I gotta go." I say and wave as I walk out the house. Poor Waylon, he was always so happy.

"Let me drive." Emmett says as I open the car door.

"Do you even fit in my car?" I ask.

"Yes now give me the keys." I laugh a little and hand him the keys, he starts to drive. "Home or the precinct?"

"Home, I never liked the precinct." I tell him. "So vampire baseball huh?"

"Yea, sure you don't wanna come." He looks over at me smiling. "I mean not to brag but it's pretty amazing."

"I'm sure it is." I tell him. "But already made plans, besides, I don't really do sports."

"You wouldn't actually be playing." He tells me. "Just watching how amazing I am."

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