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I cannot believe I agreed to this stupid fucking meeting with the fucking Cullens. But god Calvin literally showed up everywhere, I'm one hundred percent sure had I still needed to use the bathroom bed show up in my sink or some weird shit. So here I was making my way up the driveway towards the house. I snort seeing the permanent scorch marks burning the car left.

"Alright I'm here what do you want?" I ask walking into the living room. Not that there's anyone living in it. Get it? "Now please."

"Who turned you?" Carlisle asks trying to play the sweet gentle dr role, like a bitch.

"Your mom, next."

"What's your problem?" Edward snaps at me, sir please start with me cause imma end it real fast.

"My problem?" I ask him stepping towards him. "Okay let's start you left my human clumsy sister in 10 degree weather, in the middle of the forest. Abandoned her and made her feel worthless. And then she spent about a month not eating and barley sleeping. And when did sleep she woke screaming from nightmares." I take another step and he backs up one. "Then you want to play victim some 6 months later and play the suicide card." I turn towards Alice. "And you came and put that pressure to save him on the same sister he didn't want."

"I did." Edward starts and I cut him off so fucking fast.

"Don't you dare speak over me, you fucking bastard." Imma make this mother fuckers wish they left us alone. "Then you drag my once again human sister to the heart of fucking vampire central and now put her on Aro's radar. Ranger Rick please stop fucking with me."

"Sorry ma'am."

"Now back to you." I turn to the root of all ugly. "Then you sit there and again play victim with but I want to be with Bella, then maybe you shouldn't have left her in the woods. So why don't you tell me what my problem is huh?"

"We did it to keep you safe." Edward says after a minute. "Not that it worked you're hanging out with mutts." I grabbed this bitch my his hair so fast.

"You ever in your sad miserable life call them mutts again you're going to wish we left the Voltori to kill you." I say pushing him to his knees. "Understand bitch?"

"Yes." He says and throw him to ground fully. The lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch.

"Look we just care about you and Bella." Alice says.

"Oh you care so much and yet you didn't tell anyone when you saw me get changed and end up with Voltori right?" I ask her tilting my head. "You care so much huh."

"You saw her get changed?" Emmett asks turning to look at Alice. Oh wow.

"Irrelevant, this conversation is over. Stay away from my sister. Or don't and watch when I dance around your burning body."

"You know I knew you were a bitch but I didn't think you were this bad." Rosalie said as I started walking out. "But I guess it makes sense to want Edward dead, then Bella's first love will end up like yours, and twins do everything together."

I don't even have words. Of all the fucking things in the world. I look her in the eyes and smirk as I think of Jane. She screamed as her knees gave out.

"If you ever mention Addison and compare her to Edward again I will make this seem like a walk in the park compared to way I'll beat you." I say smiling before I turn and walk out of the house. Fucking bastards every single one of them.


"Hi." Emmett says as we run into each other hunting. Wow awkward.


WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now