The Last Kiss

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"I can go with you." Emmett tells Celeste as she packs her clothes for the next few days. "We could road trip together."

"As amazing as the would be." Celeste says walking over and wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. "This is something I have to do alone."

"You don't have to, I'll always be here for you." Emmett says pulling her in for a kiss.

"I know, but this has to be done alone." Celeste tells him. "Now help me pack."

"I don't get why you need so much clothes, you're one going to be there for two days."

"It's just in case. Besides one can never have to much clothes." She tells him. "Also, it's hot over there so I will shower like twice a day maybe more."

"I guess that's true. I'm gonna miss you." Emmett says pouting as he lays on her bed.

"Of course you are, but it's only 4 days." Celeste tells him. "I'll be back and you can be as clingy as you want."

"Sounds perfect." Celeste smiles as she finishes packing, Before going to sit on the bed with Emmett. "So you leave tomorrow morning, which just leaves us with tonight."

"For now yes." Celeste says turning to straddle his waist. "Why did you have something planned?"

"No although this is nice." Emmett said putting his hands on Celestes hips. "I really could go with you"

"I'll be fine, Bella's the walking disaster remember."

"That is true. She's gonna give Edward a heart attack one of these days."

"So long as it keeps him away from me."

"Mean." Celeste laughed before leaning down to kiss him.


"Be careful alright." Charlie says as he hugs Celeste. "And make sure you don't drive straight for to long and don't take help from strangers."

"I know dad, I'm a big girl." Celeste says to her dad smiling. "It's only 4 days not a year."

"I know I know, be safe alright."

"I will promise." Celeste hugs her dad one more time before heading out the house and into her car. Emmett was in the passenger seat, just until they get to state border he promises. "Ready to go?"

"Yup." Emmett says as he puts on the radio. "I'm gonna sing my heart out."

"Spare me please." Celeste says smiling as she starts to drive away. She sighs as Emmett starts to sing along to the High School Musical soundtrack.

"I love you." She says quietly as he sings.

"I love you too."

"You better."


"Okay we're at the state line." Celeste said as she pulled over to the side of the road. "Get out."

"You make it sound like you don't want to spend more time with me." Emmett said smirking. "It's honestly hurting my feelings."

"Boo hoo come on pretty boy get out." She opened her door and got out so she could say one finale goodbye for the next four days. Emmett got out and walked over to her side of the car. "Don't worry I'll be back before you realize it and we'll spend an obnoxious amount of time together." Emmett pulled her body to his.

"We better." Emmett said leaning down and kissing her. "I'll be waiting right here when you come back."

"Promise?" Celeste asks pulling him closer to her.


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