Copy Cat

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"Hi dad." I say walking into the house a week after I woke up, let's just say paranoia kills sometimes. I even made Paul and Leah come.

"Hi." He says smiling at me. "I like your eyes." I laugh at him. The eyes are freaky. It's okay though cause so am I, wink wink.

"I like your mustache." I replied and he laughed and came to hug me. "Hi dad."

"Hey Celeste." I think I would cry if I could but as I've realized. I in fact can not. "Missed you kiddo."

"Missed you to old man."

"I can still ground you." He says still hugging me. "Don't think I won't."

"Alright alright." I say that pulling back. "Look at you a vampire daughter."

"Better than a vampire son-in-law or two."

"I don't believe in marriage. So it would be one max."

"Well that's nice to know. Now Achilles is sad upstairs in your bed go say hello."

"Yes sir." I say jogging up the stairs, or trying to, I ended up vamping up and into my door face first. "Man I gotta get better at this." I say opening my door. "Hi Achilles. Hi boy." I say and he stands from his spot on the bean bag chair. "Hi." He comes up and licks my face. "Hi boyo. How are ya?"

"You gonna go back to work soon?" Paul asks coming into my room.

"Long as one of you guys babysit me."

"Trust yourself." He says. "You've had no slips this far."

"It's been a week Paul. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I trust myself, but I know how wrong it can go. I need to be watched. End of story."

"Hey don't worry. I got you boo. Don't worry about a thing."

"Thanks bear boy." I turning looking at myself in the mirror I got lucky that all my tattoos and piercings are healed so the venom didn't heal them out of by body. Cause one that's a waste of money and two how fucking lame would that be. Only thing lamer is saying all vampires should be white.

"Good cause I told Ray you'd be back tomorrow morning."


"You love me." I do.


"Hello Alice." Calvin says appearing through a rack of clothes.

"What are you doing here Calvin?" She asks him while continuing to browse trough the racks. Calvin following her.

"Oh I just had a question little Alice." Calvin says smiling when she turns to face him. "What was the vision you had last week?" It wasn't a normal question however, he used his compulsion (original I know) to make sure she tells him. It's not something he's proud of but he thinks he knows what it's about and he'll be damned if he doesn't find out.

"Celeste was with the voltori. She's been turned." Alice says with no hesitation.

"Well thank you, now forget about this little conversation please and thank you." Then he moved back before Alice could recover from the fog in her brain.

"What are you doing here Calvin?" She asks again having no memory of the conversation.

"I need advice on a new ring for Rosalie when you're done here please." He said smiling down at her.

"Of course."



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