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Celeste made it back to her hotel finally, tired and hot from the heat of Arizona. Her body sore and sticky. She pulled off her clothes and went to grab her phone that she left in the hotel to be left alone all day. As soon as she picked it up it started ringing, it was Emmett.

"Hey." Emmett said, voice soft.


"I know you wanted to be left alone but I just wanted to call."

"I was gonna call you actually." Celeste said as she sat on the bed. "How was the party last night?"

"It was something."

"Was Bella awkward?" Celeste asked a small smile as she thought about how Bella must've acted.

"Extremely." Emmett answered a small laugh escaping him.

"I bet. So what are you doing now?"

"Just driving." Emmett said. "Needed some alone time."

"Getting away from Eggward huh?"


"Ooo big words." Celeste said smiling. "I'll be back tomorrow night. Gonna spend all my time with you."

"I can't wait." Emmett answered, his voice small.

"Well I'm gonna shower call you tomorrow."

"Right tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Goodbye Celeste."

"Goodbye Emmett."

Celeste smiled as she hung up the phone.

Emmett crushed his phone once he heard the beep.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now