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Estrella from the Mayan coven

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Estrella from the Mayan coven

"Hey Ray." Emmett said walking into the shop after Celeste had already left for the day.

"Celeste's boyfriend." Ray says looking Emmett up and down. "Can I help you?"

"I'm hoping so." Ray squints at him before nodding to the seat behind the counter, a gesture for Emmett to sit.

"Sooo, what do you want?" Ray asks putting his sketches away.

"I need you to distract Celeste."

"For what?"

"Just in general. Teach her new things and keep her mind occupied."

"What is this some weirdo plot to propose?" Ray asked teasing.

"No. She's just stressed about life at the moment." Emmett said with a small shrug and grin. "Why you think I should propose?"

"Grand says she says no." Kit said coming out from the back with Lani in tow. "But I would pay to watch that."

"Don't be an ass kit." Lani says shoving him over. "She'd run away for a few hours maybe a day then say yes."

"Thank you for having some faith." Emmett tells Lani, flipping Kit off making him smile. "But again I'm not proposing. I just need her to focus on something else."

"Fine. I'll help." Ray says and then puts his hand out. "For 200 bucks."

"Ray!" Lani scolds and Ray shrugs. "Don't worry we'll help. Cels our little sister and we have to look out for each other."

"Cute. Now I have to go before she gets home before me."

"Yea yea whatever." Ray said walking to the back, Lani and Kai waved bye.

"Don't forget to invite us to the wedding!" Lani calls out and Emmett laughs as he gets into the jeep.


"Where have you been?" Andrew asked Emmett as he came into the house, making him freeze in the doorway before he realized it wasn't Celeste. "Mmm?"

"Out?" Emmett said but it came out a question.

"Wow I had no idea captain obvious." Andrew said rolling his eyes. "Out where?"

"I went for a drive, too many people in the main house." Emmett said moving to sit. "Where's Celeste?"

"Out." Andrew responded crossing his arms with a smug smirk.

"You're so annoying." Emmett replied turning on the tv. "Wanna play Mario?" Andrew rolls his eyes before shrugging and jumping onto the couch.

"Yea sure whatever."


"You can stop watching me. It's not like the jump will kill me." I call out to Sam, who in wolf form has been staring at me while I sit at the edge of the cliff. He comes and sits next to me furry and all. "I don't want you guys to fight. I know you will and it's your duty, but god I really wish it wasn't." Sam just huffs and lays his giant head on my lap. "One day the world will stop trying to kill me."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now