Types of Vampires

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I was walking towards the bathroom you know like a normal teenager when someone grabbed me and pulled me into a closet

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I was walking towards the bathroom you know like a normal teenager when someone grabbed me and pulled me into a closet. I looked up to see a fuming Emmett Cullen.

"What the hell man?" I ask shoving his hand off me.

"Did you think that stunt you pulled yesterday was funny?"

"No I don't think it's funny, I know it's funny." I said.

"Well it wasn't."

"What you don't like teddy bears?" I ask him.

"That's not the point."

"We'll get to it, I have to pee." Lie. I crossed my arms and you know what. "Forget this I don't care." I open the door and run into Alex. She looks from me to Emmett. "Don't even think about it." I grab her arm and start dragging her with me to the bathroom.

"So 7 minutes in heaven." Alex jokes.

"More like 3 minutes in hell." I counter. "God men really be having the audacity don't they?"

"Ok calm down what happened?"

"He's being all pissy about the painting."

"Dude you'd think he'd a have a thicker shell."

"That's what I'm saying. And he made all these jokes about it, so like it's not like it hurts him." I washed my hands. God I didn't even use the bathroom but still. "If I thought it would actually hurt him I wouldn't have made the joke."

"Aww you care about his feelings."

"No I just don't need this Dracula beings whiny bitch, Edgar does enough of that."


"Yes, honestly if you ask me Jasper is classic Dracula, Edward is The Count from Sesame Street, Calvin is the vampire boy that Wattpad authors write about and Emmett is like Rory from My Babysitters a Vampire."

"Why does that seem so accurate?"

"Because it is, I'm very observant."

"Yes you are now let's go we have history in like 5 minutes."

"Oh boo."

"Celeste Swan you are amazing!" I look up to see my art teacher coming at me with her arms wide open.

"I know I know I'm the best." I joke as she squeezes me. "Why am I the best?" She laughs and pulls me over to her desk.

"This paining is truly magnificent." She says pointing to the wall where she hung up my painting.

"Oh well thank you."

"Of course, it's to sad and yet shown in a humorous way."

"That's what I was going for." No I was just being an ass.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now