Are We Okay?

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It took three hours of sniffing out the leech and Celeste for them to find her. Closer to Forks than the club where was hours ago. It was clear that it was late the smell of venom and heavy and sickly. Sam sighed and picked the girl up her body lightly shaking.

"What do we do now?" Leah asks as the three of them head towards Forks.

"We take care of her." Paul said. "She's family."

"And her family? Bella and Charlie?"

"They both know. They just don't know the other knows." Paul says. "We tell them separately and tell them not to tell each other. Then we deal with this."

"And after she turns?" Paul flinched.

"She's family. Vampire or not. She's family." Sam says. "We made a treaty with the Cullens we can make one with Celeste."

"Good." Leah says after a while. "But there's one more problem." Sam looks at her to tell the problem. "What if she doesn't want to live as a vampire?" Paul flinched again, it was too much, too fast.

"We'll cross that bridge when it comes to it." Sam says. "For now, we'll go tell Charlie and Bella, then we'll go to the elders see what they say."

"What do we do with her body?"

"Turning takes three days. We'll leave her by the border and Logan can take watch." The two nod back and they continue on in silence.


Many many miles away.

The vision hit Alice like a truck, the decision made to last minute for her to see it before and only left to see the consequences. A red eyed Celeste, smiling at Aro. She gasped making everyone in the house, but Emmett who rarely moved and Edward who wasn't there look at her.

"What is it?" Jasper asked coming to her side. "What did you see?"

"Nothing, we can change its too late." Alice said, mind reeling at the fact that no matter what that's where the vision ended. "Too late."


All Celeste knew was burning. The beginning end and middle of the story was like hellfire they mention when they talk about hell. She might even prefer hell at this point, the burning only getting worse with each passing second or was a minute. Maybe it was an hour or a day. For all she knew it's been years and she's just been burning.


"What the fuck?" Bella yelled jumping up. "Where is she? How? Who did it?" She asks pulling on a pair of pants not caring for indecency with Sam and Alex in the room. "Answer me!"

"We don't know who. They got her at the club and left her body near Port Angeles." Sam says. "Calm down I can hear your heart beating."

"Don't tell me to be calm my sister was attacked!" Bella raged throwing a shoe at him.

"I'm gonna let that slide, moving on, don't say anything to Charlie. We told him she's staying the week with Emily and Leah Wedding planning."

"Of course I'm not gonna tell him, that'd do nothing but give him a heart attack." Bella says scoffing. "Now take me to see my sister."


In the Quil residence a very different conversation was happening.

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