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"Ok Bella he's here." I yell while I literally drag Andy to where she's permanently stationed in the living room. "Tell us now."

"Did you really drag him here because you're that impatient?" Paul asks with a raised brow.

"No he came willingly. Right?"

"Right." Andy says not looking at Bella for his fear of her stomach. "All on my own."

"See." I smile at them and Bella just shakes her head. "Now tell us quickly so he can leave and you can get your next Bloody Mary."

"Alright well I was thinking about baby names." She starts. "And I was playing around with Esme and moms names."

"Why Renee?" Andrew asks. "And what does that even have to do with me?"

"Let her speak." I say slapping his arm. "Go on Bells."

"So I was thinking Reneesme." She tells us playing with fingers.

"Rotisserie chicken?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes.
"Oh I'm sorry you said Regurgitation."

"Anyway." Bella says. "Paul made the same jokes you did so then I used the same idea but came with Carlie."

"See now that's a name." I say and she rolls her eyes again.

"I'm still confused why I'm here?" Andrew points out and Bella just smiles.

"Well Seth pointed out she would need a middle name." Bella starts. "So I thought we could do Addison. Carlie Addison Cullen."

"Oh." Andy says softly, I don't even think his mouth moved.

"I think that's beautiful Bells." I say smiling.

"Yea?" She asks sounding hopeful and I nod. She looks over at Andy. "Andrew?"

"I think it's perfect." He says smiling at her.

"And she's naming it Paul if he's a boy." Paul tells us.

"No I'm not." Bella argues. "Ignore him. Besides she's a girl."

"You have no proof of that."

"Trust me I just know."

I look over to Paul when I hear Jacob approach the front door. He had disappeared before the wedding and hasn't been heard from since and now he was here. Carlisle went to let him in and Paul and I followed.

"Is it true?" He asked pushing past Carlisle trying to get into the house but I stop him. "You let him turn her?"

"She's still human." I tell him. "Now chill out."

"If she's still human why isn't she home yet?" He growls out.

"She's on her honeymoon idiot." While we had made jokes about telling him Sam decided we shouldn't in case he got violent. "What's it to you anyway?"

"He can't change her. The treaty says it." He says like he's telling me something new.

"Sam changed the treaty." Paul says which was true he made Bella the exception, the only exception. And she like the Cullen's wouldn't be allowed on Quilete turf, imprint houses included, with the exception of my dads house. Cause that's her dad too.

"I won't stand for it." Jacob snarled getting in Paul's face. Bad fucking idea I'll kill him for Paul, if Paul doesn't do it himself.

"It's not up to you." Paul snaps pushing Jacob back a step.

"Take it outside." I tell them, fighting isn't good for Bella. Plus I don't think esme would appreciate them redecorating her home. Jacob scoffed before turning around and walking out, Paul and I followed him.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now