Planning a Funeral

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"Remember we used to be scared to do this?" Paul asks as all of us sit around the top of the cliff.

"Who is we?" I ask him looking up from my sun bathing. My skins sparkling in the little bit of sun peaking though the storm clouds. "I did this no problem, you on the other hands took much convincing."

"I will throw you bitch." He says getting all up in my face.

"Do it you won't." I say smirking as he grabs my leg and pulling me up.  "I'll take you down with me." I say as the pack cheer while he takes me to throw me. "No wait." I say and he throws me. "Bitch!" I yell right before I hit the water. You know what fuck him. I'm not gonna go back up.

I swim deeper into the water, thank god I don't need to breathe. I feel like a mermaid. Living out my childhood dreams here people. I can hear someone calling out to me but imma ignore them. They let him throw me like a doll. I swim around a little before I see someone else jump in. Show time hookers. I shoot up and grab whoever it by the foot and drag them down, just a little. Get their heart pumping. Upon inspection of their struggling self it's Paul. Ha.

"You bitch." He says once we both get back to the surface. "Thought you were drowning."

"I don't need to breathe. How can I drown." I tell him blocking the splashes he's sending my way. "Yo you wanna fight?"

"Come at me slut." He says and I in fact do go at him because why not.

"Canon ball!" Jared shouts as he jumps off the cliff. Paul and I whoop as he hits the water. "Yea boyyy." He says when he comes back up. "Let's go Sam."

"Yea Sammy let's go!" I yell encouraging him. We whoop and yell again as Sam Alex and Emily jump next. "Come on Bella!"

"If I die make sure someone beats her." She yells and then jumps. I laugh when she comes up from the water spitting out half the ocean. "Holy shit." She says laughing as we float around.

"A rush right?" She nods and I laugh and splash her.

Somewhere in a pile of snow

Alice was hunting when the vision hit, jumped off the cliff and never came up. Stopping mid hunt Rosalie and Calvin look at her waiting to hear what happened. Alice searched again for Bella but saw nothing beyond that.

"Alice?" Calvin asks. Alice searches again this time for Celeste and finds nothing, not even her meeting Aro.

"They're gone." She whispers still looking for them in the future. "She jumped."

"Who jumped Alice?" Rosalie asks looking at her.

"Bella jumped, their futures are gone." She says look horrified. "I'm going to Forks." She says and takes off running.

"I'm going after her." Calvin says and Rosalie huffs. "What babe?"

"Why, if they're dead that's it. Now we can have out family back." She says. "They'll get over it."

"We don't know that." Calvin argues. "And even if we did Celeste is my friend."


"Then I'll go say goodbye. Don't tell them yet,
We don't know what happened." Calvin says kissing her forehead and takes off. 


"God that was such a rush." Bella says as we drive home. "I mean wow." She says smiling.

"Calm down loca." Jacob says from the drivers seat. Sadly I was in the car with them because I didn't feel like running and the car situation was weird today. "We can always do it again another day." I smile watching Bella's face light up at the idea.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now