I Was Gonna Eat That

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We all stood against my car and watched as Bella lead Edgar into the woods

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We all stood against my car and watched as Bella lead Edgar into the woods. I shook my head a little and took some gummy bears from Conner. I looked over and saw Rosalie glaring at the spot where the two disappeared into.

"Is he gonna eat her?" Conner whispered.

"I doubt it, Celeste would kill him." Alex said back as the four started to walk into the building.

"Damn right I would." I said as we went to Vivians locker. "So any news in any of your love lives?"

"Logan asked me on a date." Vivian said. "It's Friday."

"Just know I will kill him for you." I told her. "Where are you guys going?"

"Don't know said it was a surprise." She said shrugging. Conner and I oooed while Alex made kissy faces at her. "Enough you children." She said shaking her head at us. "It's just one date."

"And then there's two." I said.

"Then three." Alex continued.

"Then your official." Conner said.

"Then your engaged." I added.

"Then married." Alex cooed.

"Then children." Conner said poking her stomach.

"And where did it all start?" I ask. "With one date."

"You went on one date with Cullen so you're in the same boat." Viv says pointing at me.

"Don't change the subject." I said pointing right back at her. "Besides I don't believe in marriage or want kids."

"I how can you not believe in marriage."

"My mother that's how. She's also the reason I don't want kids." I say shrugging. "Besides kids are always sticky or loud." Vivian laughed and dragged Conner down the hall while waving at Alex and I. We continued on our way slowly towards history.

"Do you trust Edward?" Alex asked.

"No, but I trust that he's smart enough to know better than to hurt my sister." She nods and we walk into class. "Don't fall asleep." I warn and go sit next to Emmett.

"Good Morning." He said as I slide into my seat.

"I already saw you this morning." I said, he had jumped through my window and offered Alex and I a ride to school, I declined, I don't like to be in cars that I don't drive. "But good morning Emmett." He leaned over and gave me small kiss before pulling back and smiling. "Don't do that." I said trying to hide the blush he caused.

"Really don't it's gross." Alex said from her seat where she turned to face us. "Don't become that couple."

"Blah blah blah." I responded and she shook her head and turned away.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now