Werewolves? Whaaat?

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I was now sadly sitting on the floor much to my displeasure as Calvin and I took turns using or attempting to use compulsion on each other. I was also at the same time trying to resist his compulsion, which he could apparently up the affect it had. A mess if you ask me.

"Stand up and touch your nose." He says staring right at me. Apparently direct uncomfy eye contact helped the effect. The pull was weird it felt like my mind but hazy. "Alright your turn." I take a deep unnecessary breath and look him in the eye.

"Tell me about Emmett." I say using the power gift whatever you want to call it shorty. And what can I say I'm a weak women sometimes, besides what girl doesn't stalk their exes.

"He's been miserable. Honestly we have to force him to eat." Calvin says, something in me thinks that he would just tell me if I asked but, I know it's the compulsion, his pupils dilating as a tell. "He didn't want to leave but he had to."

"Stand up." I tell him still using the compulsion and standing myself, he obeys obviously. "Alice never told you about the vision, you only came to do a check up. You saw me and Bella living happy human lives. You don't know I was turned, and we never spoke." I watch as the effect settles in. The tell is all in the eyes, and then I turn and leave.

Goodbye Calvin


"Why are you even nervous?" I ask Bella while she goes though my closet. You know I thought I lucked out on a sister that would do this bs. I was wrong. All she needed was one good dumping. "It's just Jacob."

"It is just Jacob and Mike Newton." She says throwing clothes onto my bed. She better put it all back.

"Ew why Mike?" I ask her thinking back to him and his weird ass sister. "Is this some weird ass threesome thing?"

"What no gross Cel." She says with a funny look on her face. "Jacob just made it sound too much like a date and that's just no." I can't help but laugh. "What he's like a kid brother."

"Does he knows that?" I ask her. "And what Newton also thinks it's a date so they're just both gonna be awkward."

"No Ang was supposed to come but she got sick and Ben wants to be the dotting boyfriend to take care of her and please come with me."

"Hahaha. Hell no." I tell her. "No don't look at me like that. I'm not the one who planned this date gone wrong."

"Ugh you're so mean." She says finally deciding on a outfit and storming out. Oh yea I'm mean but she Wanna steal my clothes. Bitch.

"I hope they end up making out and you end up being the third wheel." I yell out knowing it probably won't happen.

"Me too!"


"Guess what you did today?" Paul says when he calls me. I'm currently somewhere in Canada. What I was hungry? Don't give me that look.

"Killed a bear?" I ask looking at the poor bear. I feel bad cause all I can think about is brother bear now. Ya know, the movie, anyways.

"No you caused Jake to shift!"

"How is that my fault? I'm not even over there!" I yell into the phone. "Wait he was with Bella! Is she okay?" 

"She's fine. Jakes being a little you know moody." Paul says. "Remember you can't tell her."

"I absolutely hate to break it to you but you guys literally shifted in front of her like two weeks ago." I tell him, how'd he forget?

"Holy shit we did!" Paul says. "Then just forget about it but we're not gonna tell Jacob she knows cause he's a bit bitchy, at the moment."

"Sir yes sir." I say. "Now excuse me, I gotta haul a grizzly home."

"Ooo I'm gonna make it into my coat. I'll really be bear boy then."

"Whatever you want darling."


I cringe a little seeing Bella's light still on when I get home, I have no doubt there's a million questions coming my way. I wonder if Calvin's theory that I can penetrate her mind and use the Compulsion, something he couldn't do. But alas it would be wrong to do that to my whittle baby sister. I sigh and head in though the front door, I can hear dads snoring and Achilles barks up a storm when I come through the window.

I walk up the stairs practicing being more human, which even with 18 years of practice, I suck at. Kit thought I was dead earlier because I hadn't moved blinked or taken a breath for almost 30 minutes. A mess, but that's life now. I walk into Bella's room.

"Shouldn't you be asleep you have school in the morning." I say to her as she franticly flipped through a book. "It's late Bella."

"Werewolves!" She says standing and almost face planting as she shoves the book at me. "They're werewolves!" She tells me eyes shining.

"The characters?" I ask her taking the book from her hands. "I didn't know you started reading fantasy."

"What? No. The Rez boys they're werewolves." She says shaking her head.

"Bella they can't be werewolves." I will protect her mind at all costs. "That would make them my enemy and we get along just fine."

"No no I saw Paul and Leah shift!" She says. "I know what I'm talking about."

"Look it even says here that only men shift. Leah is a women. Not a proper one but you know a women."

"Stop playing with me right now." She says looking at me. "I lack patience for your bullshit."

"But you're friends with Stanley?" Make it make sense! Oh wait it don't. "Ok so they're werewolves but Jacob can't know you know. End of story."

"Fine fine. Now get out I'm going to sleep."

"Aw no want to cuddle me?"

"No get out."


Somewhere in a pile of snow

"Where did you disappear too?" Jasper asks Calvin as they hunt in the woods. "Didn't even give anyone a warning."

"Keeping track of me now ranger rick?" Calvin asks while he buries a deer carcass.

"Just curious." Jasper replies casually.

"I went to down to Forks." Calvin said frowning slightly the whole trip kinda blurry. "It seems our little humans are thriving without us."

"You didn't talk to them did you?"

"No, I tried to with Celeste but it seems her shops piercer, is her guard dog."

"Good, they don't need contact with us anymore." Jasper said thinking back to what caused them to leave.

"Needs and wants are different things Jas. And the one, tiny, accident that was more Edward's fault shouldn't have ended this way."

"One I would call it tiny. And two maybe it should've been different but this is where we are now."

"How sucky."

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