Painting & Fights

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"So how was last night with lover boy? Conner asked

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"So how was last night with lover boy? Conner asked. We in the library for lunch because Viv has to study for some test. "Did I win the bet?"

"No you did not." I say. "And nothing happened, he painted and I talked and that's it." Alex was fully asleep on the table. "And his mom cooked me the best food I've ever eaten. Plus I realized I know his dad from the summer when I broke my hand."

"How the hell did you break your hand?"

"My friend convinced me that skateboarding was easy especially because I'm a surfer." I mean I eventually got the hang of it but still. "Needless to say I fell broke the hand and then broke the skateboard out of frustration." Conner started to laugh really loud. "Dude library." He stops laughing But is making a face. "Stop before I don't set you up with Paul."

"So he likes boys?"

"Well I mean he's never confirmed it but yea."

"Yay you're gonna get me a boyfriend." I laugh at him and look over to where Viv decided to move too after deeming me and Conner children. "Oh I've been meaning to ask how come you're a senior but Bella's a junior if your twins?"

"They left her back in first grade for lack of social skills and shit like that." I roll my eyes it was a bunch of bullshit in my opinion.

"That's crazy." I nod it was. I remember she was so sad and embarrassed and I was angry. "But that's why. She doesn't mind it cause not a lot of people know we're twins, perks of being fraternal." He nods and offers me some skittles, I swear this boy always has some type of candy. The bell rings and Alex shoots up really fast. Me and Conner laugh at her and we all walk out. "Good luck on the test." I tell Viv she nods and her and Conner go to there classes. Me and Alex walk to physics or I walk and basically drag her for all the weight she was putting on me, I set her in her seat and go sit.

"Hello firework." I nod at Calvin, wave at Rose and immediately put my head down. I might have been ignoring Emmett slightly. Oops my trauma is showing, again. Stupid shouldn't have opened up to him. Whatever I blame his dimples.

"Celeste are you coming to work on the painting today?" No sir I'm going to curl into a ball and die of embarrassment sorry. "Celeste?"

"Yes, I just have to go home for a little first." I need to hit myself in the head hard enough to be hospitalized for the afternoon.

"Okay you remember how to get there right?" I nod and put my head back down. Just a minor concussion.

"Ms. Swan can you answer number 3?" Fucking physics. I pick my head up so he can hear me and not ask me to repeat myself, I hate that.

"X-rays and gamma waves are most capable of causing damage to the organs of living things." He nods and I put my head back down. Avoid the dimples and maybe he won't realize I'm a ball of issues. Eventually the bell rings I stand trying to again avoid people for as long a possible but no, no luck in that. Emmett grabbed my arm and waved off Rosalie, Calvin and Alex, who muttered something about being at the car.

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